


   だっておwwwキャンセル7周年記念特別書き下ろし Yaruo will play rhapsody of colored glasses


━━━━What is intelligence?━━━━

 ̄ ̄|┌┬───―                .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;
 ̄ ̄| | | | ̄ ̄ ̄  / ̄ ̄ \        .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.
 ̄ ̄| | | |     /       :::::\        .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ←SF writer Yaruo Tsutsui(33 years old)
 ̄ ̄| | | |     (人_)     ::::::::|       .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;..;
 ̄ ̄| | | |___ \.....::::::::: :::,/  カチャ     .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;..;
  .o |└┴─┬── /      ヽ    カチャカチャカチャ .;.;.;.;..;.;.;
  °|     /⌒| ̄ __,       i         タンッ  .;.;.;;.;.;.;.;
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |      |              .;.;.;.;.;.;
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/     ノ    カチャカチャカチャカチャ .;...;.;.;.;.;
             |  _/ ̄ ̄ ̄|       パシッ タン .;.;.;.;.;.;.;
           _|  | ̄| ̄| ̄               .;.;.;.;.;.;
          (___) |_|

.───┐      / ...::::::..\
 ̄ ̄ ̄| |     /ゝ  ...::::::::::.\
      | |    ( ●)   ...::::::::::.\     ……That being said, I'm not trying to make a
      | |   (人__)    ...:::::::::::::: |
      | |.   \、  ......::::::::::::::::::/     philosophical argument.
二二二 」 _ _ ゞ    ...:::::::丶
─┴┐ ⊆フ_)__./     ┌ヽ ヽ┐    This is a simple comparison. In other words, it's logical or illogical.
二二二二二二l  /      |  |   |
_l_____| /      |_|   |_
  |       /  __,    ノ  |─l
  |───/  /lニ/   /二ニ luul.
  |    ___|  |  |   |_|.
 └─(    )(ニ|   |./二ニ)
      ̄ ̄  /   )
            `ー ´

  | ______ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
  | |       /       .::::::::::::::::::::::\
  | |       /          ..::::::::::::::::::::::::|    I think that
  | |      .|          ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  | |       |        ....:::::::::::::::::::/    intelligence is illogical.
  | |____ ヽ     .....:::::::::::::::::::::::<
  └___/ ̄ ̄        :::::::::::::::::::::::::|
  |\    |           :::::::::::::::::::::|
  \ \  \___      ::::::

        /      \     A human being who lacks a lot of
       /  ─    ─\    intelligence is trying to demonstrate his logic.
     /    (●)  (●) \
     |       (__人__)    | ___________ 
     \      ` ⌒´   ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     _|_|__|_

      /─   ─\
     / (●)  (●).\     But most of the time they become
   /     (__人__)   \    illogical, as if they are trapped.
    |      ` ⌒´     |
   \            /    That's the opposite of what I am.
   ノ            \
. /´                 ヽ                 カ
 |    l   l||l 从人 l||l      l||l 从人 l||l   カ   タ
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、.     タ
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))
   ┌ ┌┬┬┐┌┬┬┬┐┌┬┬┬┐┌┬┬┬┐
  ,. - ''"| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ρ ̄`l
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ノ ̄ ̄

     /      \
   / ─    ─ \
  /   (●)  (●)  \ My brain cells try to flaunt their illogic, even when they're drunk.
  |      (__人__)    |  
  \     ` ⌒´     /

       / \  /\ キリッ
.     / (ー)  (ー)\    <That's because I'm one of the top five intellectuals in Japan!
    /   ⌒(__人__)⌒ \    
    |      |r┬-|    |      
     \     `ー'´   /      
    ノ            \
  /´               ヽ
 |    l              \
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、.
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))

     _ -‐lニ =ー...、       
   、 '´ /ノ(: : ::.:::ノ:l::`ヽ What hell are you saying idiot !?
   \ l'/::.⌒_ヽ/- 'ヽ::l:::ト、
    /冫 ̄! { o\:, ::_::メ、レ′      ______
_  /: :l  l  ー ': :ヽ゚_ノ|!       / ー   ─\
┴v: : l  ハ    /ヽ、:.:::/|     \\ ( ○)  ( ○)|
__/: : l  l, ‐ヽ、/  : : l} ,,,..-‐'''"⌒ゝ-r''⌒`i;, (__人__) ,’,i|
://: :l  |   {  : :/´:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::ゝ、__,ノノ )┬-)・:/  Oops
/' : : l  |      ̄/::::::;;::-''"``'"'//ヽ ー `'    <
_: : :!  |-j-......._/::Y、:     // \  ̄__   )
/:::l   |イ::::::::::::::::::::::| ´     (   \  ̄     /
〉:::::> 、| l:::::::::::::::::::::::|       \_ )      /
 ̄     j-ー- _:::::::l       /′        /
      /    : :`:ヾ     /         /
                  (     (/   ,ノ
                  \   /   ./
                    \./   /

                     _.. - .._
                   _.. - ,ニ-冖 ⌒ 冖-ニ - _
               / ノ´,. .‐.: : : ̄: :、:‐. 、`ヽ \ ←Yaruo's wife Suiseiseki(24years old)
            /   //: :./: : : : : : :l: : : :.\ヽ \
             <  ヽ/: : : :/: : : : : : /: :.l: : :、: : :ヽ/   >
              丶、/: : : ::/: : : : ::::〃:/:.|:: : :.l: : : :.', /
              l:l: :-:、l.: :::::::://://:∧:::._;l:-!: l:.|!        You didn't win a Naoki Prize because
             ,l:l: : : ::|><__/ ' / '_,. へ:.|: l: :|::!l         you keep doing stupid things like that !!
             l:.|:|: : : ::lz=ュ   ′ z=ュ.リ:://: l
            l: :Nヽ: : :ヽ     '       /:://: : :.l
             l: : /il ヽ、ヽヽ   /二ヽ  / '// ̄`ヽ!
             l: /   il  li、``  |   |  /' li:.   ヽ
              l:/    il   li `丶、ヽ-- ,' ィ .il  li::.    ヽ
            ,/     il.※.li    ,.ィ`不ヽ、 il.※.li::::::..   ヽ
.        //     .:il  li   // //'{l:l ヾ、il  li\::::::...   l、
      / l/    ..::::il  li  ヽヽ//l>ィll:l__,ノイ   li:::::::丶、:::::::...l \
       |:  l:::.  ..:::::::::il.※.li   `イl:l. {.l:「´ il.※.li:\:::::::. `` ┘ \
      l::  l::::::_:::-:':´il  li    {l:l,><{ l:l   il  li\_l\::::.     .::/
    /,l:::.  ̄   ::::::il  li、,.、,、,、{.l:ト、イ.l:l、,、,il  li::::::::l:::::ヽ::.   .::::/` 丶

                                               _/      \            
                                              (;:;:; )/   \ \           
 It was nice punch……                              /  (=)   (,;:;:;:;:; )\         
 But you're not supposed to be in the original story……         (:::::.    (__人__)  ;:;;;:;:;:;)        
 But you just come out of the blue                       \,   |||⌒ ´    || \        
 and hit her husband. That can't be true.                      ̄ | l゙i  ゙i \/| ゙i ゙i        
                                                  | | ゙i ゙i/  |__゙i ゙i        
 This is where I'm supposed to pose for a picture                  | |  ゙i (゙i゙i゙i゙i゙i゙i ,.,r'       
   banging on the desk and laughing out loud "Datteo”…….           | |   ゙i  ̄ ̄ ゙i        
                                                と ,r'   ,r' ---(  ゙i__      
                                                      '----ー' ―---⊃?

                  ,、 - ―――‐- - 、__
               / ,.、 -――-- 、_    \
.               //´ ※   ※   \   \
             //  ,、-―‐- 、_     \.   ヽ
            /'.※/: : : : : : : : :.lヽ、 ※  \.  ヘ
           / / .//: : : : : : : : l: : l: : :\    ヽ   ヘ
             / l/: : /: :./: : : : : /l: :/ヽ: : : :ヽ    丶   \
         / /: : :.:l: :./: 、: : : /./:./. ヽ:/: :ヘ ※  l    ,ゝ     I don't care about that !
         'ー-l:/l: : :l: :/从\ノ /:/ __,.ィ'´ヽ、_:.:l     l   ,ィ'´ _     Anyway, what you're saying is that intelligence is
           l!l.ヘ: /:/イ´ム示 //   ,ィム示`' l:l    .lー'|  / .`ヽ,  determined by how much or how little
            ノ `/ヽト 弋ソ/´    は::::::i//:l .※ l: :! /     ∧  knowledge you have in your brain cells, as a culture!!
.  ri .,、      / .※ l:.l`'ー `´  ,    ゞ‐''/_:.l    l:.l/        ',
..i`!l l l l`!    ./   ヘ:ヽ      ,、 ‐-、   ̄l: :.l    l:,′      .l  This isn't trivia, much less information !!
..ヘ`' `' ,ィ'`ー、-/    /ヽヽ  ,ィ'´    .i   .ィ: :.:l .※. l!         l   
  l  {j  /  ※.  /:::::ヽ!_`_.ヽ     .ノ ィ'´/:/!    l!       .リ
 ,イ,.-{jィ'/     /::::::::::( i ゝ .iー-‐'´ ´ /  /   .,'       /
. `´//  .※.  /::::::::::::::く ノ〈  l/      ./ ※ /        ./
<´/       / `'ー--j ̄/ ノ ,ィスハ      /    /         ./
../  ※  /     /:ゝ / .フ〃 ij!}ヾ,、    /   //     ./ヘ
       /       /:.ノ / j´ .ij iji ij、 》   /   ./ 、    .,.ィ.'´-、: :ヘ
 ※. /      /:.〈 ./ 〈  .ゞ''"ij ij"   / ハ'`.ノ  `ー  ./    l、: :ヘ
  /       /: ノ.   `'´` ,、‐ '  ̄`'ー- 、ィ'´ ヽ__  /    '.ヽ、: ヘ
./        /: :  ̄`'´`ー、.(         ヽ    .//     / .l`フ、:l!
         /: : : : : : : : :ヘ三`ー--―‐ .' ‐、     / ,'    /  ノ、ゝ:l:.l
           /l: : : : : : : : : : ハ||< >||´:〈_ヽ   /     ./   .l 〈::l: l!
        l:.:l: : : : : : : : : ::_ノ|||>< ||l::::::::ノ__`''ー‐、`'ー-_'   ノ  ∧ノ:l: :l
        /!: `、: : ,ィ'´: ̄::/|||<>ノ||ト、::`´:::ヽ_,ハ_ \_  ̄ ヽ _ノ l:::::l: :.l
       .,': l: : :/:::::::,ィ!'´:::::::\ミト、,イ三ミト、::::::::::::::ij:ゝィヽ, ̄ィ´ヽ ノゝ':::::l: :ノ?

                       :/ ̄ ̄ ̄\:
                      :/ヽ  、/    \:
               :/(◎) (=)  U \: I had a violent wife to say what I wanted to say ……
                 :|  (__人__)(;;;;;#   |:
"               :\  `⌒´  て;;;;;;  /:  I'm going to talk about it because I've felt something about it recently.
            ((    : i         ⌒\:
                   :|   i'       ゝ、_  \: about it recently ……
                  : |   |       _/  /:
                 :/|   |ー‐-、/  く  (´ヽ:
                  :{_ !、_,l    |   `¨  |:
               :)ソ(___j)──┤       |:

         ━━━ Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ward, Tokyo, at the end of the year Showa 42(1967) ━━━

 ̄ ̄ ̄|'''''―,,,,_                                |      |  \
======|'''''―,,,,_.|''''―,、                  | ̄ ̄ ̄| ,,‐'''| ̄ ̄ ̄|\
.ll ll ll ll |!l ll ll ll ii ii|. ,、,、| \                 ||~MG/||  |      |  \
======|'''''―,,,,_.|('lフ`|!!llii|         , ‐― 、     .|| ̄~ / .| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|_\ |、
.ll ll ll ll |!l ll ll ll ii ii|,((())|゛ヾ|        .| /()().|     .|| /  .| |┌───┐| | |
======|'''''―,,,,_.|('jコ`|!!llii|     __,|   '..|       ,| |   ,/|..|゜人,,+ヽ.。|..|_| |
.ll ll ll ll |!l ll ll ll ii ii|(nn、|゛ヾ|    |  .|''⌒゛''|     .|| | ,//|..|(・ -・<ノゝ|..| | ヾ|
======|'''''―,,,,_.|つ ノ|!!llii|    「 ̄''''|::::::::::::|_       || |// .|└───┘|_| |
ゞ,;;ゞ ;; ll ll ll ll ii ii|と_ノ|゛ヾ|    l/ ̄|::::::::::::| ̄|'i  l~|| |/ ,;;ー''|+++++| | |
ゞゞ ;ヾゞ '''―,,,,_.|「愛 |!!llii|  .// ̄|::| ̄|::| ̄|'|~| ゞヾ; ゞ-''.,;;ー''|_____|_| ヾ|
;ゞ ゞヾ ;ゞゞ l ll ii ii|;;;;|ヽ|゛ヾ|/l//|iiii|::|2c|::|  |'| ,,ヾ;;ゞゞ ゞ .,;;ー''|;;G;;从∧_/| | |
,,ヾヾ ;;ゞヾ.二ニ二| ̄、 |!!llii|/l/  |iiii|::|..H|::|  |' ゞゞ ;;;ヾゞ; ゞ   |;;;; i'()(∀‘.:;;;|_| |
; ヾ ;;ゞ;ゞヾ |_|::::::::i|フ.'''.|゛ヾ| , ;;ゞヾ;ゞ |::|_|::| ゞ;; ゞゞ ゞヾ;;ゞ /|从)),、∩∩.:;;| | ヾ|
;ゞヾ ヾ ゞ . ;ア,,ミ《 ,|;;;;;、;;|!!llii| ヾ ゞ ゞヾ|::=-= ,,ゞ;;ヾゞ ゞ;ヾ ゞゞ、 /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|_| |
ゞゞ ;ヾゞ .二ニ二| ̄~'l.゛ヾ| ゞゞ;;ヾ; ゞゞ === ゞゞ ゞ ;;ゞゞlilノ"/  |二二二二二| | |
;ゞゞ ;;ゞゞ.  ̄ ̄ ̄|___|!!llii| '',、,、iノ   ,、,、,、,、  ヾlil,'' ゛|i|'  ,,iil|| | ______________ |_| ヾ|
''|iil|iノ i~~~~~~~i  .|___|~'ヾ|  ( )   (jコ )、*)   ,、,、   |i|f!!;;''  |.l______________||
..|ii|i| |l~~~~~~l|  .|  ||~'ヽ|   ∧_∧(  )⊂)  ( ゚) ,、,、∧_∧ ||      || ,、,、
──-、 ================  ( ´Д` )uu uu   (  ) (  (   ,,)  ,、,、,、,、 ('jコ')
□ □ 'ー、――――――‐ ‐  (    )      uu   (    )  ミフ' (フ' ) < )
◎ー◎-''               | | |           γヽ ノ、  ミ,,,,(_)oメ,
                       (_人_)          し 'ヽ_)

       ※  __ノ /^\
      ._||_ ̄  /人_人_\
      |圭| ./_人_人_人_ノ\
     |__      __      __|  N
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N
     | ̄       ̄ ̄         ̄|  N
     |                      |  N
     |          (_)         |  N
     |'`ヽ       /⌒\      r´`|  N
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N´ヽ
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  Nヽ・)、
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N, )
     |l][]|     ||[_][_]||     |[][l|  N-<
     | ̄       ̄ ̄         ̄|  N _)
     |           ( )        |_H ^            ━━━━ The apartment where Mr. and Mrs. Tsutsui ━━━━━
     |          /へ\      ..|XXH\
     |'\    / '     \      |,'XHXX\
     |][]|   ./_____\   ..|XHXXXX\
     |][]|  . ̄|_| r'⌒ヽ  |_| ̄  ....|=========''(V,)
   ノ´:|][]|    (_)..|o | | | (_)     . |Y´  `YY´<・)
 <ニニ:|][]|   ...| |__l_|_|_|_l___| |    ..|l|_________l||_  /|
  | >-| ̄   ....|_|      .|_|    ..|∩∩∩∩| ()|
  |  |::r⌒y⌒ヽ´[二二二二二二]( ̄)⌒()圭圭圭|(・b)ヽ
  |_|(__( し'´)[二二二二二二二]r'⌒V´γヽ圭圭|<^>|)ノ

  ρ   ρ_Λ         _____________
 Oo○o=○´∀` )_______   /
 ____/// |\  ̄ )||__〒__|| < Mail. It's too big to fit in the post, so come and get it in person !
/二//..| |__| |  | ̄ \o   \______________
( ( //) \\)(__). ̄\|  
\\ノノ ======二二)ノ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

           |    /  _,. -ー ' ´ ̄` ー 、  \    /
           ヽ   l /  /         \ ヽ   /
            ',   {/   /  /   :l      ` 、 !  /
            ヽ  〉.:.: /  /   .:/.:  l.:. ヽ   l|/l
              Y .:.:. /.:  /  .:./,イ ハ.:. ...:|   :|:.:.:| It appears that this large package arrived from the United States.
              | |.:.:. l.:.:. // , イ.:.//:.:/  \.:.:| ...:|:.:.:|
              | |.:.:. |`'lメ∠_////__, -ー'ヾ:|:  :|:.:.:l We don't believe we know anyone in America ……
              |、ヽ.:.:ヽィ仡圷ミ    ィ仡圷ヾ.:.:.:|::.::l
              | lヽ\| 弋r:シ      弋r:シ |.:.:.:ノ:.:.:.',
             /.:|  \ヽ;::::::::    ,  ::::::::::::ノ_/ |.:.:.:.:':、
              /.:.:.l   | 弋    ,. _    フl  /.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ
.             /.:.:.:.:ヽ  ヽ __ >、___  `_,.ィ< /  /.:.:_.:.:.:.:',
            /:./:`∧  | | ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄| {'´: : : : :\.:.\
          /.:/: 、 : : ',  |.|     ..|,、_| /   l .|.: : : : : : : :l.:.:. ヽ
.         /.:/: : : \: : }  | |二二ニ{匀)'ニ二二| .L、.. : : : : :}.:.:.:.:.:\
         / .:.{ :\: : :.}: : !ト|_|/)_   l'~^| .,ヘ/ヽト、.i/:-ー' : : :/.:.:.:.:.:.::. ヽ
          / .:.:.:.ヽ: :ヽ,: : :r十く/ゞ,' /).┴.┴<ヽ,ヽ<`ヘl_ : : : :/.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ',
         / .:.:.:f\_〉.: : : :/  ヽ/ ̄Zソ |人| (_>ノ「´ヽノ  } : :〈,.ヘ.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..|
       / .:.:.:.:.:} |>二ニ/    ゝー厶 |∨|....〉^'\一'   Y二、 ̄〉.:.:.:.:.:.: |
     / .:.:.:.:.:.ヾ/: : : イ      ノ_ノ |ハ| (__,、_}      |ヽ:ト\.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:|
     ヽ, .:.:.:./: :/ |    /`ゝ-勹 /ヽ------\    |:}.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ

   /      \
  /   _ノ ヽ、_.\ ……What's?There's a stack of manuscripts crammed in there.
/    (●)  (●) \
|       (__人__)    |  There's something stuck in it.
/     ∩ノ ⊃  /
(  \ / _ノ |  |
.\ “  /__|  |
  \ /___ /

It seems to be a sealed letter that was stuck in. Let's read that one first.
         / ヽ____//
         /   /   /
        /   /   /
        /   /   /
       /   /   /
       /   /   /
      /   /   /
       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

       | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
       |                    |
       |                    |
       /    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄      /_____
       /              /ヽ___//
     /  The contents are  /  /    /
     /    as follows    /  /   /
    /   ____     /  /   /
   /             /  /   /
 /             /    /   /
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /   /





     /      \
   /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \    
  / o゚((○)) ((○))゚o \    I'm fluent in many languages,
  |     (__人__)'    |    but I'm not good at English ……
  \     `⌒´     /

         , - 'ニ二ニ丶、
        /r-'´    `ヽ_\
        / (, -‐ 'ー'ー ‐-、ヽ_ヽ
      / /ィ/,/ l i,ハ ilヽ、ぃヽ_)丶
      `T{l l l l l l,ィil l lハヽヽY}T´
       lNl l l7フノ lil|リ``ti リ,イl
       |llトトソ、__, '゙'ツ、__, }ツ {l
       ||l〉 〈ト、  ,....、 ゚,ィlj〉 ノ|  I'm not very good at English either ……
       lリ( )ニ≧l己l≦ニ( )ll
       ,'/イ )〈_ィゝ=rヘ,_〉{ jトil,
      ///{  }ノ`` i ゙´ヽ (_,リヾl,
      /イ/ {, /{ヨ  小 EトくXヽNi,
     /ハヽ.(/ ヒ-イ}|{トミソ  ヾ Ylli,
     ノ/リ川N,  》{l王l}《   ハ )lli、

     /⌒  ⌒\
   /( ●)  (●)\
  /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   At times like this, have someone who is good at English read it to him !
  |     |r┬-|     |
  \      `ー'´     /

    ━━━ 30 minutes later. ━━━

      |┃三 ガラッ
───|┃  / ̄ ̄\
      |┃/ ⌒  ⌒\
      |┃|  (●) (●) |    Yaruo!
      |┃|  (__人__)  | 
───|┃|   |r┬-|   |     I have come here!!
      |┃|   `ー'´   }
      |┃ヽ       }  ⌒)
      |┃_ ゝ     ノ   /
      (⌒ヽ・   ・ ̄ /
      |┃ノ      /
      |┃   つ   < ←Yaruo's friend the translator.・Yaranaio Eto(25 years old)
      |┃  (::)(::)  ヽ  Incidentally, he is still in the second faculty of literature at Waseda University.
      |┃/    >  )
      |┃     (__)

───|┃  / ̄ ̄\
      |┃/ ⌒  ⌒\
      |┃|  (―) (―) |
      |┃|  (__人__)  |
───|┃|          |
      |┃|         }
      |┃ヽ       }
      |┃ ゝ     ノ
      |┃ヽ・    ・  
      |┃ \    ,.:∴~・:,゜・~・:,゜・ ,
      |┃  (::)(::)  ヽ    ・゜゜・∴~゜
      |┃/    >  )    ゜゜・∴:,゜・~
      |┃     (__)    :,゜・~:,゜・゜゜・~

                              /      \
                         _∩  /  _ノ     \
                        (ヨ |/  ((●)三(●)) \     What are you doing out of the blue? You brat !
                         |'''|     (__人__)     |
           +             | \__ `ー ,r'⌒ \/
   / ̄ ̄\                 ', ヽ__  ,'  /  へ  \
 /       \     +           ヽ   ''-/      |  \ \
 |    ⌒   ⌒               .  `/       |     ヽ、 _ )
. |     (r'´ ̄`'─ --―''゙ ̄ ̄  ゛'' ‐- ,,_/        |
  |     ヽ __                        |.
.. |     `ニニ´}    ̄  ̄゛'' ‐- ,,_           ,r'
.  ヽ        }              ゙゙'' ''─ -、   ノ
   ヽ     ノ                    ,''  ノ
   /    く

           / ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ
          /::::  |||||   ヽ
        /:::   __ノ::::::ゞ;;:)    Sorry……
        /    ( ;:;:;:;ノ:::::<->   But I didn't have time to go to the bathroom because
      /;:;:;:;;;:;  (_ _人 __)   I was enjoying tea time while listening to Myles' "Dear Old Stockholm" and you said,
    .///ヾ     .`┃ノ       "There's something interesting to do, so go get ready in half an hour."
   / /| ヽ/ / ∧ |
   / /_|  \/ / | |         But that was a nice weight on your kicks, for common sense.……
  ヽ、//////)/  | |
   /  ̄ ̄ ノ   | |
____,/  )--- ヽ   ヽ つ

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ●)(●)                
. |     (__人__)     Then, What's intersted in ……
  |     ` ⌒´ノ
.  |         }
.  ヽ        }                 
   ヽ     ノ        \
   /    く  \        \
   |     \   \         \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、          \

.            / ̄ ̄ ̄\
.           /─    ─  \
          / (●)  (●)  ヽ  It was enclosed with this manuscript in a sealed letter.
           |  (__人__)  u.   |
         \  `⌒ ´    __,/  As you know, I don't understand English.
.           /            \
        | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄Y ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
     (,,)          |       (,,)
        |           |        |

       / ̄ ̄\
     /   ⌒  \
     |  ミィ赱、i .i_r赱
.     | ::::::⌒ (__人__)
.     |     トエエエイ   What can you do if you get lost?♪
.     ヽ     `""´}
      ヽ     ノ
       /    く

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ●)(●)                     ____
. |     (__人__)                   /\  /\
  |     ` ⌒´ノ  Let's see. Let's see.     /(ー)  (ー) \
.  |    .    }     ____        / ⌒(__人__)⌒   \
.  ヽ        }    /      /        |    |r┬-|      |  First, I want you to translate this letter.
   ヽ     ノ    /     /        \__`ー'´___/
   /    く     /     /         /:::∨<;;;>∨:::::::::::::::\
   |     \    /     /         ∧:::::::ヽ/;ヾ/::::::::::::::::::::::ヘ
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)___/         /::::ヽ:::::::ヽl/:::::::::::::::::::::/::::ヽ

He took the letter, running his eyes from side to side as he babbled vertically.

     /|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|\   Dear Mr. Yaruo Tsutsui, I am an ardent sf fan living in California,
     |_.|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|_|___ U.S.A. I wrote a sort of future Political satire, about the second
    /   ⌒ww⌒  \   China-Japanese war. But how many times I sent it to magazine publishers,
  /   ( ◎)  (◎)   \I only got rejection slips and I thaught.
  / ∵∴⌒Y__人__Y⌒∵∴  l
  |      }r┬-{       |
  \      `ー'´      /

     / |;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|\   Isn't it true that works with Japanese themes can only be understood in Japan?
      |_.|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|_|___ So I'm sending this to you. I've never read your work because
    /   \ww/  \     it's never been translated into English,
  /   ( ―)  (―)   \   but I've heard from a Japanese SF fan that you like to take care of aspiring writers.
  / ∵∴⌒Y__人__Y⌒∵∴  l
  |     ‘ 〈+++ノ       |
  \       ̄       /

      /|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|\    Please read this work and sell it to the Japanese magazines.
      |_.|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|_|___r‐r r r┐   Sell for at least 5 cents per word. I will give you
    /   ⌒ww⌒  \  匕ゝLL |   10 percent of the total commission and translation fee. I look forward to hearing back from you.
  /   ( ◎)  (◎)   \  `┐ |
  / ∵∴⌒Y__人__Y⌒∵∴  l   .|  | ━━━━ Dick Trimble, 17 years old.  ━━━━
  |      }r┬-{       |   |  |
  \      `ー'´      /  /  |

        /_ノ  ヽ\
      / ( ●) (●)、  What are you, a kid? But it doesn't matter if you're as insane as this.
    |      |r┬-|    | I'm sure there are more insane SF fans out there, even the older ones !
    \       `ー'´  /
⊂⌒ヽ 〉        <´/⌒つ
  \ ヽ  /         ヽ /
   \_,,ノ      |、_ノ

Future Political Satire is more of a political future novel.
It's mainly war stuff, especially World War III stuff, but this is the first time I've seen anything called the
Second China-Japanese War.

     / ̄ ̄\
   /   ⌒ ⌒\ <That's fine, but how much do you think you're going to pay me?
   |    ( ●)(●)               ____
.   |   ⌒(__人__)            /⌒  ⌒\
    |     |r┬-|           /(●) (●) \
.    |     `ー'´}  \      /:::⌒(__人__)⌒:::::: \ I'm curious what an American 17 year old kid thinks of Japan and China.
.    ヽ        }     \     |    |r┬ |      |   I want you to translate this manuscript for me.
     ヽ     ノ       \   \   `ー ´    _/
     /    く. \         \  ノ           \
     |     \  \    (⌒二              |

   /      \
  /  ─    ─\
/    (●)  (●) \
|       (__人__)    | There's so much going on now that I can't pay for it,
./     ∩ノ ⊃  /     but I've got information worth money.
(  \ / _ノ |  |
.\ “  /__|  |
  \ /___ /

       I happened to meet a guy from your college the other day.
       From what I heard, you followed Sayuri Yoshinaga
       to the front of the toilet.

         __,,/  _, ----`ヽ  :.
     :.  / _     ___   、\
       / /   i      \   \\ :.
     :. ,'./       i  ヽ:.   ヽ:.:.. ヽ.ヽ
      ,'/    / .ハ ヽ ヽ:.:.:.:. ヽ::.. ヽヽ :.
     :. |i .i i  .i /  ヽ ト 、 \、:.:.:. ',:.',:.:.lヽ}
       |i .i l  :N_, -弋 \弌弋ナ:}:.:}
    :. |i∧ ', :{ ,ィjモト \  イjミトイイV :.  Wh…
       .|  :メヽ.', `ozZ}      izN。ハ::{     What's this?
      :. |  :ヾ_! ゝ "゙゙    '  `゙ ハ.:', :.   Why is this white long man
      |  :.:_イ .:.ヽ.   (二フ , イ :.:.:!:.ヽ    following me around to
   :.  / rィイ | :.:.ヽ: >r/`<ノ .:.::.}ヽ、\:.   the front of the bathroom?
      / ∧l;l ! :.:.:.://{二 ̄ .} ..:..::リ//ハ.:\
 :.  / .{. ',ヾ、ヽi .:.:.{ /(^`  |.:.:.:.//: : :.}: . ヽ.:.
   / /  ) ヽ ヾ、ヽ:.ハ ヤ{   ∧/.-‐'": : |:.:. i ',
  ./ .,イ .:..} : :\ヾレ'ハ ∧__ノノハヾ、  : : : l:.:.: .ハ ',
  { /| .:.:ハ : : :i Y {ヾ`Yヽニン'ノ}: : } : : : :/:.:.:/ }:.}
  V | .:.:/:.:|_,ィ' ̄  ヽ三{ `ー-ノ : イ : : :/:.:i.:{  リ
    ヽ:.:{、.:.V     : : ヘ     : : {: : :/:.::∧|
     ヽ! )人    : : :人      : : : / \! :.
      "  ヽ : : : : :/イ{     :.ノ: : : :.\ :.
       :.  \__///: :\______/: : : : : : : ヽ←Sayuri Yoshinaga(23 years old)
           / //: : :|;|: : : : : : i: : : __: : : : ', The eternal silver screen star who goes without saying.
       :.     / 、 {;{   |;|   . : i/. : : : : : :| At the time, she was a student in the second faculty of literature at Waseda University.
          / `Y;{. . . .|;|. : : : /i: : : : : : : : :l

On top of that, I heard that you were caught by one of the school's most enthusiastic Sayurists
and mass lynched, begging on your knees not to tell anyone.

        / ̄ ̄\
      /   _ノ  \
      |  # ( ○)(○)
    .  |   o゚ (__人__)   \  I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't do it anymore,
       |  0 # `ー'´ノ   \ \ so please don't tell anyone else !
    .   |        }
    .   ヽ   #    }    __
        ヽ     ノ´ ̄ ̄´    ̄\
      /  ⌒゚ '"'"´(;          \
     / ,_ \ \\ \          }て・,‥¨     ビターン
      と___)_ヽ_つ_ヾ_つ___ _ノ そ¨・:‘ .
                  ゚ 。  YY ̄ ̄YY        ビターン
                         ・; ∵ .

        三 ̄ ̄\
       三ノし_ノ` ,,\
      三 ⌒`( ◯)(O)
      三  j(  (__人__)     Who's this classmate of me?
      三. ^ 、`l⌒/ノ ,rっっ   Who told you that?
     三"⌒ヽ ソ ゙⌒ノ .i゙)' 'ィ´
    三      ゙ヾ ,,/ { ) 丿                         / ̄ ̄ ̄`\
   三  ィ二    `\ /'ニ7                        / __ノ  /   \
  三::.:::三::三      \ ./               `  ドンッ!   / ( >)  (○ )  \
 三::.::.三  三::     __\___ ___   ____´_  \ ,,_人、ノヽ   (__人__)  U   |
  三::::.三   三ンィ⌒ ̄" ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ニ≡─‐ー-, ..|┬ー|     / It's called the concealment of a single source !
  ''三三  三/            ≡''=三≡    ;;;;(( 三iiii_iiiiiii)))))─ \ ̄    <
       三         _____=≒=ー────;‐‐ ̄    ̄  ̄   \  ”    )
        三、   ー ィ⌒ ̄                /^⌒`Y´^\      ̄ ̄    /
                                          /              /
                                         /              /
                                      /             |
                                   /             ヽ
                                       (     くヽ          )
                                    \    \ヽ        |
                                     \    |        |
                                       \   |     |
                                       /   /    /
                                        (___//    /_

    /  ⌒  ^\
   /  ( ●)  (●)
 /  ::::::⌒(_人__)⌒ヽ
 |       |r┬-|   |  Needless to say, if I told the publishing community about this, you'd be in deep shit.
 \        `ー'´  /  Moral culpability aside, there are a lot of Sayurists in the publishing industry.

     ._ _ _
    ヽ  r
    │ |
     |/ ̄ ̄\
   /    \ ノ
   |    ( ●)(●)
.   | ノ(  (__人__)    Then do something! You want me to translate this fictional novel for free in exchange for
    | ⌒    ` ⌒´ノ   not mentioning my stalking behavior towards Sayuri Yoshinaga!
.    |         }
.    ヽ        }
     ヽ     ノ         \
     l/   く   \          \
     |     \  \         \
      |    |ヽ、二⌒).、           \

                      | ̄ ̄              __|__ |
       <r'二二二{、      |ー― \/ ´ ̄| 「 ̄`  |   | \/ 「 ̄l
      弋ッ-ミ'''テ~ナ/        |__ /\ 匚]__ !__,  |_ |  __/. !__!
       `二/ =|/''′
     ⌒  {   =|         ( Exactly)
         丶,-‐ ,>
\      `,二/
  `` -: .、.__, ,,,,ノ'
         ``'''ー-、  ← Yaruo

              / ̄ ̄\
             /  ヽ、_   \
       l⌒ヽ (>)(< )    .|  Shit ! You framed me ! You framed me !
        ヽ、 \(__人__)     |    
     //   \ (,`⌒ ´     |´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ
           ヽ {         |           ヽ\__
     | l l|,, ___,{        /           \__)_
      ゝ____`ヽ_(  ̄ ゙̄  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、       )
                 ̄ ̄ ̄                 ̄ ̄ ̄
Yaranaio walked away with a bunch of manuscripts.

        ,. - ― ― -- 、
   (  ,. '" , -‐ '' ''^丶、  `ヽ、
    ,× ,zニ-―テ ー-、`丶、 \
   ,>:'´:/: /: : :,イ: : : :\ 丶. \
  ,イ ,ィ': /: : イ: ://: :/{: : :丶 ヽ、 \
  /: ://:,'://: / /: :/ lト、: : :ヽ  L   \
  l: /: : {/、_」,ノ /} /  l:N、: :.lヽ+ヽ ,__,ノ
  j/{: : :l/ノ__`l ル' `ーH-tixj l  l/i´
   V: : l,ィス::ヾ'     ィキミ、lXリ{ + イlト、
    〉: :.l ゙'ー'     ヒ:::)ヽリ}( i!  l l ト、
   / リ八xx   '     xxイソイ} lX ハl l ヽ
  ,{ ,l l{ト.丶、  っ     /レ行ノ { l h ll Hey, I feel sorry for Yaranaio……
  l ,l' ヽ ヽリ> 、 _,, . イヘメH {x / l入l ハ I can't believe you're letting him translate so many manuscripts for free.……
  / /ハ |  l/ ,ィ个t、    \,リjMノトVリ ヽ

       /     \
.    /       \
.  / /) ノ '  ヽ、 \
  | / .イ '(ー) (ー) u|
.   /,'才.ミ). (__人__)  / Suiseiseki. You're from Kobe and you know it……
.   | ≧シ'  ` ⌒´   \
 /\ ヽ          ヽ←Come from Osaka

::::::/::::l::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:/.::::/:.:/.:/ !:.:/.::::::::丶.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::::::::::!:::::::
 ̄| ̄:―‐‐-:::_.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:/.:::::/.:,イ:./ /.:/.::::::::::::::_ヽ-―  ̄ ̄|:::::::
:::::l::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.丶、:.:.:/.:::::::::/〃:.イ /:/.::::::::,.イ´.:::::.\.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:|::::::::
:::::|:::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:._ -く .:::::::::/// //.:::::/.::::::::::::. .::::::ヽ、:.:.:l::::::::::
.::.:」__ _ -‐ ニ´_ :::::.ヽ/ /イ  //.::/.::::::::.  _ -‐ ___」:.:.:.:.:
.:.:.:.\ア ̄ キ == 二 ‐-  /  .〃   -‐ 二 == キ  ̄ア/.:.:.:.:
.:.:.:.゙i.:.イ゙i  l i j:::::rイrl ヽ  ..:::::/:::::::..  イ lrイr:::::j i l  /イ.:./.:.:.:.:
:.:.:.:.:.゙i:.゙i >' -――ゝ-:::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::-ゝ――- '< /.:/.:.:.:.:.:.
\.:.:.:.:.:.:イ゙i:::::::::::::::::::::::.            .:::::::::::::::::::::::/イ:.:.::.:.:./
  \.:.:.:.:.゙i \          j                 / /.:.:.::/
7l ,r' \.:.:.゙i         ,______,            /.:.:./ ヽ l7
′‐= !1'y\       \     /            /ァ'「! =‐ ′I see!It's the nature of the Kansai people, isn't it?……
  ゙i '=  )}.:l||\      `‐--‐´           /|l:.{(  =' /!
  J     ゙il|.:.:.:イ_                _ イ:.:.:.|l/     レ_
 ゛' .._  ゙i:.:.:.:|:.:.:|゛' .._               _.. '"|:.:.:|:.:.:.:/  _.. '"
    ゛' ‐」.:.:.:|:.:.:|.:.:.:.:|`゛ .._   _.. "´´|:.:.:.:.|:.:.:|:.:.:.」‐ '"
       \|:.:.:ll:.:.:.:|    `゛"´      |:.:.:.:ll:.:.:|/

                >'''´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~><
           >イ´                    `> .
           , イ                           ヘ、
         /                                  \
       /                                      ` 、
     .∠                                    ';,
     /   ,>、_      ...........                             ヘ
   ./  .l´゙゙゙゙゙/≧==-<::::::::::::::::::::..l、                       ヘ
   ./   .L  l//////|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::>=====__                      ヘ
  /:     .`'' `ミ=彡'/:::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::''''''''/////≧zzt_            ヘ
 ./:::::..          .´゙´`````:::::::::::{     |///////Ⅵ .ヘ`ー              l
 l::::::::::..    |               ヘ   `ミ///////  |                  |  Exactly-o!(Exactly!)
 |::::::::::::...  ..ヘ       ,|          `¨¨¨¨´  /               |
 |:::::::::::::::::..   `'tー―-''´ |            ´ ̄ ̄`'''=、             |
 |:::::::::::::::::::::::: ...,ゝ-<__  ゝ-- 、                             l
 |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l      `''<  `'''---、__/                      ,
 .\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......      .`<_     /                    ,'
    \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;....   `¨¨¨¨¨´                   ........:::::::::::/

━━━━ This is how the year Showa 42 ended.

━━━━ It was the year 1968, and January was coming to an end in a flash.

There's been a lot going on the other day.

                       , - ―――――‐ - 、
                        /             \
                        /                  〉
                      /                  //
                  〈__、                 /´: :i
                    / :\           / : : : |
                       /: : : : :>. 、____/: : : : : :.ト、  That's disgusting ! I think I'm pregnant...
                    /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.| ',
                    /: : : : : : : : : : : : : /: : : : : : : : : : : |  i
                    /.: : : : : : : : : : : : : :./: : : : : : : : : : : :│ i
           __/ : : : : : : : : : : : : :.:.:.:/: : : : : : : : : : : : : :! │
      r――‐/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :l   !
      /: : : : :/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.:.|   i
  __,.、/: : : : :/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : / : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : |  i
 /: :∨.: : : :./ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.l   .i
. i : : :i : : : : i.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :./: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :∧  i
.∧: :│: : : : !.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :/: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :./  \i
: : ヽ: | : : : : ヽ : : : : : : : : : : : : /i: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :/\
: : :.:У: : : : : : :\: : : : : : : : / │ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : /:::::::::ヽ

First of all, I found out that my wife was pregnant early at the beginning of the year.

  SFが   /   ,、r'";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;`';,、    ,r';;r"           _ノ
  許される  L_ /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ ,';;/             )   Oh
  のは    //;;/´         `' 、;;;;;;;;,,l;;'            /ヽ  Really !?
  中高生    /.,';/              ヽ;;;;,l;L_      .,,、,--ュ、 ';;;;;;;;;i Yaruo Tsutsui's SF
  向けの l |;|┌--‐フ  ┌----、、   |;ヾr''‐ヽ,  ,、ィ'r-‐''''''‐ヽ ';;;;;;く 「Vietnam Tourism Organization」?
  雑誌   i  |l ~~__´ 、   ``'__''''┘  |;;;;;l rO:、;  ´ ィ○ヽ    'i;;;;;厶,
  だけだ   l _|. <,,O,> 〉   <,,O,,>    |;;;;;| `'''"/   `'''''"´     !;;;;;;;;ヽ
  よねー  ._ゝ'|.    /   、       |; ,'  /   、        |;;;;;;;;;;;;;レ、⌒Y⌒ヽ
       「 | |    (    )       .ソ l  ,:'   _ ヽ       .|;;;;;;;//-'ノ
        ヽヽ |    _,ニ ニ,,,,,_        ', ゞ,' '"'` '"       i;;;;;i, `' /
⌒レ'⌒ヽ厂 ̄  `| ,、ィ-‐''__'''‐-`,、     ''  ', i、-----.、       `''"i`'''l
人_,、ノL_,iノ!   ',   :i゙''''''''''`l'  ` _人__人ノ_ヽ ヾ゙゙゙゙ニニ'\        ,'  ト、,
      /    ヽ.   L__」   「      L_ ヽ〈    i|          Vi゙、
キャハハ  {.     ヽ.  -、、、、 '  ノ 直木賞は了゙, ,ヽ===-'゙ ,'     ,   // ヽ
      ヽ.     ハ       )野坂昭如と |  ',.' ,  ̄ , '    ノ  /./    ヽ,
       >  /|ヽヽ、___,,,,、 'く 三好徹に > ヽ.  ̄´   / ,、 ' /     / \←Members of the Naoki Prize Selection Committee
      /  ノ. | ヽ       フ決定よ! /  ノ:lゝt-,-‐''" / ,.ィ゙     /

On January 21, the Vietnam Tourism Corporation, which had been nominated for the Naoki Prize, failed to win the prize.

      / ヽ '' ノ \ ←Yaruo's nine years old younger brother・Doyagao(24 years old)
    / (● ) (< )\
  ////⌒ 、_ ゝ⌒//\
  |         -      |  Bros, give me 50,000 for the wedding.
  \           /

On January 27th, I went to Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture to attend my brother's wedding, who is nine years younger than me.

           /::::::::::.....    、
          /::::::::::::::::.... _ -‐‐-`z___
.       /:::::::::::::::::::_-‐'´_ -‐' ´      ̄〉
.        /::::::::::::::::::;r' , -'    _ -‐ ‐ - ∠.
      /:::::::::::::::/ /:::::::... -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::丶、←Yaruo's younger sister-in-law(Suiseiseki's Sister)、Souseiseki(Early 20s.)
      〈::::::::::::/ /::::.. , ' ´::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\  These days she's unmarried.
       \::./ /:::. / ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
.         `>'::::::.. ,.´:::::::::/::::::;::{::::::::::::\:::::::::::::::::::::::::ハ
         /:::::::.. /:: {:::::::/:::::::/八::::::::\:::\:::::::::::::::::::::::|
         |::::::.. 」::::::::::::/::::/-―丶:::::::::\‐-::::::::::::::::::::|
          ';:::::::/ヘ::::::` Vし:::/ ` ヽ斗=ミ辷=-::::::'
            ';:::::::::::::::\:トヾー゙'       ヒ:::ツ/:::::::::::/
             }ヘ:::::::\:::iヽ ''     ,  ,, /::::::::/
              ヽ:::::::込   ┌‐-,    仏ィ"   Bros, Sis, It's been a while.
                 ⅥVヘ`ト   ` ‐ イ:::::/ノ/77´}
                ノ┴-ミ   〕≦  |//)゙ / / /゙h
               ∠z―-ミ `圦え__   //   し / j

On the way home, I went to my wife's parents' house in Tarumi, Kobe, with my wife and sister-in-law.

; ; ; _____: : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . . .
\ !; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||\. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 :.\ ; ; ; ; ; ; ;||  \. . . . . . . .                         ll_/
 i  :\゙ ̄|| ̄||\ |, , . . . . .                           lイ-i/
\ .:  | ̄!! ̄!!\\|, , , , . . . .                           .i||-i/:/:/:/
 i.\  |: : ii: : || ..:\|, , , , , , , . . . . .  .  .  .                .i||-i/:/:/
 l  :\| ̄|| ̄||\/|; ; , , ___ , , ,____. . . . . . . .          . . ..i||-i
\ .i  | ̄!! ̄!!\\|\,,//: : : |___|\|      |\..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,,l||-l
 i.\  |i : ii: : || ..:\|  :\,, : : |___|  \ (⌒))゙ |  .|; ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ; ; ;l||-|
 l  :\| ̄|| ̄||\/|:\:\;.\...|___|   |∠==_ |  .|; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;l||-|/i/:/:/
\ .i  | ̄!! ̄!!\\|;\;\;\;|,|____|   |_____.|  .|;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;ii ̄ ̄l||-l/i/i/
 i.\  |l i iii i || ..:\|\;\;\i|..|,,,,,|\  |;;;;:::::::::|\|;; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ;; ;; ;; ;;; ;||    l||-l   :
 l  i\| ̄|| ̄||\/|;\;\;\l|..|;,,,,|\\.|iii|\、| |;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;;||__|||-|   :
\ .l  | ̄!! ̄!!\\|;\;\;\l|..|;,,,,|\\|iiil|  \..|;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;l ;;; ; |||-|  : :
 l.\  |l l iii i || ..i\|\;\i\l|..|;;,,,|\\|iiil| |\. \; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;/|,-─|||-|/i/:/:/
 l  i\| ̄|| ̄||\/|;\i\l\l|:.|;;,,,|\\|iill| |..:: |\|; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;|: i | ;;: . |||-l/l/i/
\ .l  | ̄!! ̄!!\\|;\l\l\l|::|;;;,,|\\|iill| |.::; |.:..||;;; ;;; ;|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| |/| ;;; : |||-l   :
 l.\  |l l iil i || ..i\|\l\l\l|::|;;;,,|\\|iill| |::;; |.::;||lllllllllllllllllllllll| |: i |,-─|||-|  : :
 l  l\| ̄|| ̄||\/|i\l\l\l|::|;;;;;|\\|illl| |:;;; |:;;;||lllllllllllllllllllllll| |/| ;;; ; |||-|  : : :
\... l  | ̄!! ̄!!\\|l\l\l\l|;;|;;;;;|\\|illl| |;;;; |;;;;||lllllllllllllllllllllll| |i l | ;;; ; |||-|/l/i/i/
 l.\  |l l iil i || ..i            \|llll       llllllllllllllllll| |/|,-─|||-l/l/l/
 l  l\| ̄|| ̄||゙  / ̄ ̄ ̄/|. ̄|||\ __,,.∠ ̄ ̄/~ト,  .,.,--──--、、| ;;; ; |||-l  : : :
___....|___q_∠___p_/_|____||_|__i'ノOo-oOソ ̄l~,、! l.<______>l . ;; ; |||-| : : ::
       (()0)=ロ=(0()).-,.-、.l ー|,-、 j⊂口ニ⊃/.l-''~゙' .{iiiヽ,__=_,/iii} . \|||-| : : : ::
       ⊂ニ口ニニ⊃リ_/  l|ニニ_i l|_) ``´  ``´ / [___口___]  \-|/l/l/
        ヽゝ_ノ ̄~ヽゝ__ノ,,,ヽゝ_ノ'''       /   ;;!_.!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゚;!_.!    \

I enjoyed window shopping in Sannomiya, Kobe.

             ,.'"´    ̄ ̄``ヽ、
              / ,. -‐ ーー --‐- 、 `丶、
          / /           `ヽ   \
           〈 ム. '"´ ⌒⌒ ``ヽ    \  \
          V/   .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. \   ヽ  \
          〃.::.::!.l::!.:..:.:.:.;.::/.://.::l:::::::::.`、   ヽ  ヘ
           〃.:::l:::l::|:|::l:::::/:/:://:::ハ.:;.:.:::::.`,   V.:l:l`
         ./:::;:::::l:::l::|:|::l::/:/ //::::/ l:|:l:::::!::!::{!   !:::l:|
        l::l::l:::::|:十ナl:< /::∠_ 」トト、:l::l:::{!   !:::l:|
         |::l::l:::::|:|:|yテ〒ミ/::/´,t==ミ、:ト、::{!   !::::l:!
         |::ト:ト、:|:|:| f辷ソ   _f辷シノl:l::l:::{!   !::::l:|
         ``Vハ1:ト、, , , 、    , , , , l::://{!   !:::l::!
           i `ヽ小、   _       ノ//.::{! i .j!:::l::|
           | ‐米 f{:.>.、  `   ,. イレハ.::::{! 米j!::::l::!  Yaruo ! see you later !
          ,/|    ,f{::l::l::>==<__ ノ⌒ヽ:::〉 !〈:::::l::|
        / .!   ! ,fレ'/``V,ィ介入      〈   〉:::l::|
          /  ! ‐米,f{ソ  //ノハ `ヽ     〉米〈フ⌒フ
       / ,.イ!   ! .{′ 〈_,イノ}  iト、__」   〈  !〈ノr'.::::.`ヽ
      ./ /.:::lL_ _」   / ,}  ji!      〉  !:::::::::::::::::ヽ
     / /.:.:::::) ,1 ソ   / ,}  jii!      L_」:::::::::::::::::::::
     ./ 〈.:.:.::::( ,1 ソ   /  ,}  jii!     { 1〈.::::::::/:::::::::::::::
    /  ハ.::::::),1 ソ  /   ,}  jii!     { ,1 〉.::::/::::::::::::::::::

On January 29th, I left my wife at her parents' house in Kobe and went back to Tokyo.

       /´⌒`v´ ̄ ̄`⌒\
      /;;;;;!!ijl|;;| ;!!ijl| ;;!!ijl|;;ヽ
      /;;;;;!!ijl|;;;;|;;; ;;;;;!!ijl|;;; ;;;;ヽ ←Fujio Ishihara(34years old.)
     /;;!!ijl|;;;;;;;丿|;;;;;; !!ijl|;;;;;!!ijl;;ヽ At the time, he was working for the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation
     /;;;;;!!ijl|;;;/  |;;;!!ijl|;;;;;;;!!ijl|;;!!ijlヽ (now NTT) as a science fiction writer.
    /;;;;;!!ijl|;;/_ ヽ;;;;;!!ijl|;;;;;;;!!ijl|jl|;ヾ
    /;;;;;!!ijl|;;/'_ \ ヽ;;;;;!!ijl|;;;;;;;!!ijl|;;!!ゝ
   /;;;;;!!ijl|;;/<●>   Vヽ、;;;;;!!ijl|;;;;;;;!!iヽ>
  丿;;;;;!!ijl|;;|  ̄/ / |  \;!!ijl|;|;;;;ijl|;;~
  丿;;;;;!!ijl|;;l|  ̄  |  |     |;;;;!!ijl|;;ヽゝ
 ~ノ( |!ijl|;|   / /  | \   |;;;;;!!ijl|;;!jl|;;ゞ
   ノノ;;;! |l    'ー、,‐`   /;;;;;!!ijl|;;;ijl|;ゝ
     |;|;||   ー―^v^ー、_ |;;;;;!!ijl|;;/
     |l;jl|\  \ ̄ ̄丿 /;;;;;!!ijl|;;ゝ
     |;;!!ijl|;;\  `ー‐´ /;;;!!ijl|;;| ̄
    丿;;;!!ijl|;;jl|\     /;;;;;!!ijl|;;ゝ
      V))v((v;|     |))V))Vゞ

On January 30, I was scheduled to attend a party to celebrate the publication of my fellow SF writer, Fujio Ishihara.

On the morning of January 30, I got a phone call from my husband, Eto Yarai-nachi, saying he was on his way there
now, and he hung up on me.

     ━━━ And half an hour later. ━━━

             ニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニ ノWWWWWて_     
      ,、-‐''"´   ,','        / ̄ ̄\      _ノ⌒_        (
  ,、-‐''"´        ,','ノ       / ⌒  ⌒\     ノ   Hey,Yaruo!   て
"´ィ! , ; .      ,','        |  (●) (●) |     )  Are you living   (_
iヽ ._  /i .  .   //         |  (__人__)  |   ろ .  here ?      (
レ’|/-/ iー .'7   //         |   |r┬-|   |    ). .  Gorua !!      >
/! \/∠/ .  ,イ   .      |   `ー'´   }.     ,ィ⌒ヽ、.          ア
 ̄/\ ,ヘ/.   ,'.i           ヽ       }     (   ノ         k
くi k_./i,イ/ .  i .|    .        ヽ     ノ     /   i        て
\k、 .リ   .  |.|      /ヾニニニ`ー'´ ニニニシ\ ,'`ー '´i、    (`⌒
 r' .〉'´ iン  . .|    .,ィ'´ ̄`ヽ    |○      |     'i⌒iY´⌒
tァ ̄ .  、|.l.||,,. |    ./三三.互.',ヽ  |        i    ,′.| i.|
 ..  \ i| ! |..`|... . i三三三三 i i  |○   /`ヽ、',   /.. .| i.|
  ‐   |´ j,       ..l三三三三| l  |    ,'    `'ー'´.... .| i.|
   ‐.´'.l| !,  |!,   ノ/ ̄ ̄ ̄!,' ! .|○   i..          .| i.|
     / !.| |!!´i  . | . ̄ ̄ ̄ i  ',_|__ , |           .| i.|
       . .!´', ',   .ヽ三三三,'   f..  . リ           .| i.|"
          .', ',  .  ゞ三シ⌒ヽ.、 ノ  ... |            .| i.|
          . ヽヾ、 ..      ヽ.     |            .| i.|
             ヽヾ、 .. .     ヽ、 . |     . .. . .| i.|
              ヽヾ、  .......   .ヽ  . |      .    | i.|

                     / | ,!  !
                   .l  l  ! /
          ./!     ,,.rァ .l ,l .lr'
      / l゙  ,,、r'´ /  l゙/
       |  l_,.r''´   /                  /              \
       |    ,.、r'!  /;                /                 \
     .,,l   ,,r'’  l  /      c==ー^      /li   <こ_ .:; イ.:.:.:.:.::.:\ :     | :.:.:.::;;;;>'"
    ./   .l゙    l ./    z         ,ィ≦    ム}|/__/´⌒  /.:.:::::.:.:::.:.:.:.:ヽ    .::.:.:;;ィ'"  /
  ./ ./!  l!    l゙/           __ -一    .:fr'/{ミ ,彡/ ,/.:.:.::::/.:.::::ノ_,,,:::-一宀 ´    {
 r'´  ./ .|  |          .c== ¨¨       /^{ノ ilil// /⌒´ ̄ ̄ ̄`7´ /     /         ',
 |   ./  |  |             .c に≠==ー 厶-  il,/   〃    ー/, {  {     i          ヽ
 | ./   |  |                   `ート、   〃   {i         ヘ. :丶ヽ: : :ヽ: : : : : : : : : : { :\
 レ'     | /          .C °。 : .      ヘ にヘ,{i   ヽ.i{   . . . . . : : : : ヽ、:\: : : :\: : : : : : : : ヽ. : :
      |./                    : ', ,〉ィヘ  ヾミ{!. : : : : : : : : : : : : : :\. :\: : : 丶: : : : : : : : \
                _,,.rァ          く {^ヽ人   ヘ≧ー‐rー宀7⌒ヽ. : : ヽ、__. : : : : :\. : : : : : : :
             .r''´! ./゙ /         .:` 、: :ト ´  ヾ     ¨>く__ノ _,人___/,  |¨¨"¬r一=,,___ : :
        /| .| ,l / ./              |     \   ⌒        /.   |
        .|  | |/./ . /                |.                     |
        .| ./  ./ ./                  |.                      |
          l/   / ./             ィー-ヽ                    ノ
             .;'_/            /     ヘ、__       彡彡 ´ _ ー'
                        /       . : : : ´¨¨¬     , /
                   .    /              ヽ、   /

.                                     ____
.                                   /      \ ( ;;;;(
.                                  /  _ノ  ヽ__\) ;;;;)
What kind of a joke is this delinquent student?    /    (─)  (─ /;;/  
                                |       (__人__) l;;,´|
You're going to pay for the door repair right now,  ./      ∩ ノ)━・'/   
                                (  \ / _ノ´.|  |
right here. What the hell is wrong with you?      .\  "  /__|  |    
                                  \ /___ / 

           / ̄ ̄\
        /# ヽ、_  \
       (○)(< ) u |
       (__人__)    |
        (`⌒ ´  #  |    The only thing I have to do today is
   .     {           |
        {        ノ     talk about the Great China-Japanese War.……
         ヽ     ノ
        i        、\ ;
        |   !    /__} ;
       ,-| . |ー-、/ ゞノヽ
      {_ i、___,l   |    | ;
       )ソ(___i)---|    |
              ゝ-i--i´ ;

                                        / ̄ ̄ ̄ \  
                                      / ―   ― \     
  China-Japanese War?                      /   (●)  (●)  \
                                     |     (__人__)      |   
 You're talking about the Toho movie              \   mj |⌒´     /
 that went belly-up in New Year's Day.              ノ   ノ

              / ̄ ̄\    ガッ
            /  _ノ 、_ \ |
       |     |   ( ○)(○) |         What the hell do you think
     |i  ドカッ |    (__人__)          
     |i|      |    |r┬`| ノ          you're doing, letting me work for you !?
            |     `ー'´ }     |     
     li|   _   ヽ        }     i| ゴッ    That's why you've lost the Naoki Prize again !
    l「` ̄"´   ´⌒\、    ノ、  |i
    |  ヽ__、_ \   ,   ̄ ` ´  ̄⌒ヘー│-ォ、 |
    |  ,イ   ̄.、`ヽ/        ヽ/      〉i|
  | |  l     ゝ  ゝ /⌒`ヽ /イ  ̄゛ト  /
  |i l  ゝ、    ト  ||i/     イ |   /ゝ /
    ト ヤ メ    |  | / ト     |/   くヽニイト
    ゛ ̄     | l|i/  ゝ     |l   `ヽイ   ・.…
            | /   |   |  | ::   .;
           //   i|   i|  | |       .・¨
      ゲシッ   /イ     |i |  |  i i| :’ l´゛^´l :;
          /      | |i  | ||   <ィ'  / .
          |   ;. ノ| |   ||i| |i  |゛  | i| ”
          \_ _,ィ´ ノ||il |  ||| |  |  | l  〟
              `ー、 i|| | |i  ||i|ii|  “ |  | i|;,.¨?

           ./ /  #  ;,;  ヽ
        : /ノ  ;;#  ,;.;::     \  :
         /  -==、   '==-   ..:::::|       I… I remindered
           | ::::::  (__人__)    :::::.::::| :     I'm talking about the translation I asked you to do at the end of last year ……
       : ! #;;:..  l  |     .::::::/
         ヽ.;;;//;;.;`ー‐'ォ   ..;;#:::/
          >;;;;::..     ..;,.;-\

     / ̄ ̄\
   /   _ノ  \
   |    ( ー)(ー)
.   |     (__人__)   I was in the middle of translating it and got sick of it, so I came to give it back to you.
    |     ` ⌒´ノ
   .l^l^ln      }
.   ヽ   L     }
    ゝ  ノ   ノ
   /  /    \
  /  /       \
. /  /      |ヽ、二⌒)、

            ___    ━┓
         /   ― \   ┏┛
       |     (●) ヽ\ ・
       l   (⌒  (●) |
        〉    ̄ヽ__)  │ And what's the reason for that ?
.     /´     ___/
     |        ヽ
     |        |

     / ̄ ̄\
   /   _ノ  \
   |    ( ●)(●
   |      (__人__)  Read it and you'll see.
.   |        ノ  
    |      ∩ ノ ⊃
  /     ./ _ノ
  (.  \ / ./_ノ │
  \  “ /___|  |
.    \/ ___ /

So, I had to read the manuscript of the translation with a bummed-out look

      /                ヽ    \  \
      ,'     /  /            l    \  ヽ
      !     /  /     /  ,'    |  l   ハ  ヘ、ヽ、_,
.     | !   l   l     /  /   ,イ !   i   ! l ヽ ',` ̄
.     l |   l   l  ,/  〃 ,/   /│ l  j   l│  ! l
    ノ | ! │   | /_// //  / ,' ∧ / |  / j   l│
     ノ l ァ|   |尢/‐=乞t/ / /∠ニ「厂! / ,/  / リ
     イ 八{´l  !|くf{矛:下 '     イ孑代フ.j/.  / /
.        Vハ  |  r';;z j        r';;zリ  /}, '//   I'm sorry for appearing out of the blue.
        ヽ ',  |    ̄     ,   ̄  チ' /  This translation was written in 1967-1968, and the social situation was different from what it is
         `ヘ lヽ       _      厶 ./   today, so it is difficult to understand only from the translated notes written by Yaranaio,
             ', {.代ト、          , イ | /   who translated it, And I appeared on the scene as a commentator.
           \_'i| > 、 _ , イ/ V l./    
            / ヽj       {`ヽ   ′
.        _ /  「´        ヽ} \
    _, -‐ ´     l‐--‐、 _ -‐ |   ` ー- 、
. r<\\        ヽ '´ ̄ ___ `ヽl|     / /ヽ
 y⌒ヽ \\      V  ̄ _ `ヽl|     / / ∧
./    ヽ. \\     ∨ ̄  `ヽ |     / / /  l
{      ヽ \\    ヽ     /    / / /  │

Now, the manuscript, translated as "The Great China-Japanese War," has about ten pages of text from
the beginning that completely ripped off Seidensticker's Japan theory, And Story begins with a scene in which the
Prime Minister of Japan, Makoyama Yamamoto, enters a tea room where Shogun is.

                        _ .............. _
                   {:::::/¨Y:イ =ミ、、ノリY  ←Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Makoyama Yamamoto
                 i::〈そミソ セオこ` ,rj
                 l::::ヽ)          {j′       ,r‐r‐r 、
                    从:八        ーイ          ゙i ,' ′ !
               /.:.:`ー- 、::::::.:.;.:. ''ニ7           ゙i,   j  Shogun, Shogun ! This is a big deal !
        ,r─ーr‐-‐'^''ー-、、  `ー ァ:::::;ノ           ゙i,r={カ}:ュ
          /.:.:.::::::::i| ,o      `ー‐ 〈厂             |;;;.   |
       /.:.:.:.::::::::::i|            `ー-.、__           r'‐===ュ
     /.:.:.:::::::::::::::i|::.,o            ,o久         |      1
    ノ.:.:.:::::::::::::::,.ィレ!:::i            ,o,'  L        l       |
   /.:.:.:.:::::::::::::,ィレ'.:::| |,O            |   `>、_    ヽ     |
  / .:.:.:::::::::;,ィレ'.::::::::! i            ,O|   ,r', '   `ー‐'´     ,′
 /   .:.::::/ `ヾ::::::::! i、、_              l ,r',r'               /
     .:/    l:::::;! i:::O、 ̄``        ,O.,ィレ'゙           /
      ヽ    |::::! i    ̄``          レ'゙¨`ー----、、 _ __ノ
 ::.:.:.:. :. . \   Y,' i`ミヽ、             1
 `ミ;:;:;::::.:.:.:.:. .\__ノ i ー-o、\        O|
  `ミ:::::::::/"´ ̄   ̄ニ二ヽ:::.:.丶::.:.:.       |
    ヽ::⊥_     ーッイ::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.    O|
        ̄了:::.`ー':::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.::.       |
         〉:::::::::``'''ー- 、、、_ _  _ _,」

At the entrance to the teahouse, Prime Minister Makoyama Yamamoto took off his clogs, got his tabi socks on and
went up to the earthen floor to enter Shogun's room.

          ,.ィ'" ̄;.;.`ヽ、
         ,イ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.「 ̄ `' ー-.、.
       / ル,;.;.;.,.r‐--、;.;r、;.:L_      ヽ、
        |  L_~リ'、 __,.、 l;llヘ!;f'  ,      ',
       ∧ ヾ=,!´ー≡″L/   !         '、
      ,'    ヽl   __ j /ヘ   i!       ,  ',  It's the Chinese embassy again, another provocation!
      ,'     i!`く-‐' ,イ   ,./i l      /   ',
     i  !   iヘ  ̄ヾ レ'"´  l`ー    ト、   i
     !  l    l `ヽ、 ',、    l      l ヾ l
     !  ヽ  /     ̄ヘ\___!      l   l
     ,'   _,./        `>-、_」    l  l   lヽ
    i /  /       ,,. ''´  ヽ!   l  l     i
    !     ',     ,. '´      i!   l  !     l
     ! l    l   /;, .       l     l     l l⌒ヽ.
     l l    !  /;, , . ,      /     i !     l !   l
    l l    !  /;:. ;:.        /     /      /  ノ
    l    l /;,. .        /      /      l ム/´
    ',   l /         ,ィ′ /  /; .;, .    //
     !=-  !|     _ _,.//  /  /; ..; .    //
    /   ヘヾ、   ,. '  /     /;. ,  .    //
    /    、'、`ー─'_,. -'´   /;. , ;;. .    //
    //! i^! !i ト-,.ィ´7     /|       /,ノ′
   U ! l l l ', l  }イ/ / / ,.-'´ ヾヽ    //
     U U U   /ノノ_/     `ー─'″

(He thinks there's a Chinese Communist embassy in Japan.)

                 , -‐―y ─―- 、
                /    '      \
               、_/     / /  ヽ    ヽ
               // ,  / / /  {  l  ヽ   ',
            / ,イ l  l  { ∧  l  l   l  ハ
            |/ {  l  { ハ.{ ヽ lヽ _jヽ. j   j ト
            i  l ∧ ハ7ニム  \{ ´ムニレ、|  / !
                ヽ{ lヽ{ヘf_:::j      f_:::リ|/ ハN    wriggling
                 l ∧ `ー'   ,   `ー' l /V
                Vl ヽ.   )‐    イ /  Japan and the People's Republic of China were restored to diplomatic relations on October 1, 1972.
                     ハ |/>,、 _  イヽ/  Of course, there was no such thing as a Chinese Communist embassy in Japan at that time.
                   _V__{-`ーrr一'´ -}、___
              〃-──ム、___}{__, -<`ー─ミヽ
              /    _/__-う__とこヽ ヽ   }>l
             ,′ l  { ( l三三三彡'}  l   /l l
              /   ヽ_〉 ヽ/ ∥  ヽ{  {_ /  } }
            j    =/ヽ___/> ∥   \/ヽ_  { {
            /  〃 ヽ___,イ  ∥   く__/ヽ\ ヽ
         r==┐      j _∥ _  {   \\}
         │   |))__ /__|\;;∨\;;\\_____\ヽ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄<.ゝ、_ノ> x―' /\;\∨__\;;\` ‐-、  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ̄ ̄ ̄  {. ‐/_____\;;ヽー─‐  ̄   }
               `ー────────‐─ '

    / | //⌒ヽ⌒ヽ! ←Shogun, the symbol and head of state of Japan
  . l __|─|  /| ヽ |
    (    `ー oーヽ
     ヽ        ノ  I see . What did they do this time?
      >ー──、 ´
     / \/ \l ヽ
     |  |    | |
     |_|    | l
     /  ヽー─/ ̄ヽ
    /UUノ ̄ ⌒ヽUUノヽ
    `ー┴─、  |‐┴ ′
Shogun asked as he stirred the agura kotatsu (a table placed over a wooden row).

    〃                 i,
   r'   ィ=ゝー-、-、、r=‐ヮォ.〈
   !  :l  ノ(   ,リ|}    |. }
.   {.   |,.へ⌒ .:ヽ '/   ,ヘ }
   レ-、{ ゞミ≡=ァノj!}=夭''´K
   !∩|.} ゙゙匈゙` ...:::::/''匈 / f^|
   l(( ゙′` ̄'"〃 f::` ̄  |l.|
.    ヽ.ヽ        {:.    lリ
.    }.iーi       ^ r'    ,'
    !| ヽ.   ,∠ニ=   /  Organizing anti-government demonstrations and rallies, deliberately distributing documents
.   /}   \    ー‐   ,イ     slandering the Japanese government, and even spreading pamphlets praising the
 __/ ∥  .  ヽ、_!__/:::|\  Chinese Communist Party at Akasaka Airport and in front of Guion Station!

      \            /
           /        ヽ∟  /^ \
    _    /________  ヽ  (_/  ヽ
         |ノ─ 、/─ 、ヽ |  ヽ (_\/ .|
            ,|  \ |・   |  |   j   ヽ `-ノ  This is outrageous ! Protest against the Chinese government! Then
.          ||  二 |     | ̄ ⌒ヽ′ /   /   threaten them with an amendment to the Law to dissolve the
     /   /ー C ` ─ \)   _ノ  /    /    Security Treaty and abandon the Declaration of War Abandonment, but still be okay with it!
         ! ⊂──´⌒ヽ   ノ/(    / ノノ
           \ \_(⌒⌒_) /!  ヽ、/
            ` ,┬─_- ´/ ヽ /
             / |/ \/   く
         ((  /\ \        ヽ
           /, ─ 、/ \       /\
.           (  l l j  \ ___ /   ヽ

               , -‐. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                r'´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
               , '´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
            , ': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
         /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
           ,': : : : : : : : : : :/` ‐ 、_: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
        ,': : : : : : : : : /      ` ‐、: : : : : : : : : : :
   , -‐‐ヘ/ ̄ヽ: : : ,r'´ _ 'ト        `ヽ: : : : : : : :
  /:::::::::::::/ /ヘ !: :/   「 >、'、ヽ-、     `ヽ: : : : :
  /::::::::::::::l l rヘ: /::::    (;;;;;\\ヽ       `ヽ: : :
 /:::::::::::::::::l ヽノ Vl:::::  ヽ、`ー'ヘ lヽ'|l__        ヽ:
_/l::::::::::::::::: l ,'   '、:::    `-、 ソ  へl >ー‐ -、
:l |:::::::::::::::::::ヽ,'    ヽ:_    ,rうノ ̄`ヽ、 /
;l |::::::/ ̄ ̄/;|      ` ー' "´     /
;l, |:::/    |l;l             /   l
:::::l;;{     /l            /    ',:
/:::::::',    / ',   「ヽ      _       ヽ,       And get the troops ready to move out !
;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ   l  ',  `ヾー- 、_   ` ー      `` - -‐
::::::::::::::\    ヽ      `

                 ,. -  ̄ ̄`´ ゛  ヽ、
               /            \
             /          >     ヽ
            /          /ヘ .、  ヽ  ヽ
           /        / //   ゙、.}   !   |
           |  i / |  /,´/   、___i |ヽ、 |   |
           |  | | /_ イ´/      |l`ヽ | l  |
           |   l | l´l / |       リ  リ|   /
            i   V{  l!  (⌒)  (⌒)     l} /|、  , -、
         ____ノヽ  ヽ ::::: ⌒(__人__)⌒ ::::: .,イ/ ,>'´   ヽ
       /--、ヽ、`ヽ\__ヽ.    |r┬-|      .,|,>'´   /,ソ
       ト、  ` `ヽ、 ヾ、      `ー'´     , イ / /    /  Shogun. It's time for lunch.
        `ー-、       ヽ、         ,. '  / /   /  /`ー,
      __     \ \  ヽ  f=-、ー ,.ノ,=} /  // __, /   ,,ィ
     /___` ー、----ヽ !  , } rr_' __`-i i´___ヽ、\ // ̄ ,/   ,/
     {  `ヽ   ヽr―--',.ノ'´  __Y`f-   ` ー<--=,<   ム-==-、
       ̄`゙ー、  /    }     ,r |__|-      /   ヽ / ,. ―-,}i }
     r,r {ー‐' `Y    {      //l|ヽ、     / |   ヾ´  / ,/
     {  ヽ  ノ     !,ヽ、   // | | | |`ヽ、 / {    \/ ,/
     ヾ ーr'      /  | |`ー'// | | | |   .| |  ヽ     ヽ

Koshimoto came into the room with a sukiyaki pot in her hand.

  廴゚ノ小:::::::::ミー- __弋.     /          /弋 `Yl
   彡'  ハ 弋 ゚ノ}ー=ニ´   / ⌒ヽ.    /   ヽ/j
      ,/∧ ', Y        /    ハ.   /    /          /ナj
     .ィ z >' |       /     ',  /    /      ___ ///
 ト、____  r /      / ====ミ、/    /        从ノ /7
 `ー─--ミ7´/      / <・):::::::::::::::ノ    /- 、    从_____ノ
 .弋ー----/ /      /    ..:_jト゚イ./    /   ヽ.  / ヾ彡′  /リ
   、二二´ /       / } イー- ィ ノ/    /ー=ミ ハ  /   /  /{ルr,
\      /      ∧   弋___ノ//    / L' ::: ,::ヽ〉/    /  /弋Y′
  ヽ、 ___ノ      ∧. \  == //    / ィ -' j´./    /ヽ /  /
   イ        ∧::\ >ー'./     ∧. 弋㍉/ /    /  // ./
、   .|ォ      イ  ヽ:ss::Xヽ イ    ./:::ヽミ辷´ /   /ーr弌. /ヽ
:::::`Y::::|ミヽ、       \/ |∨ミ弌   イ ヽ:::∧} .イ    /ミ7j/  /ーミ
.::::::::|::::| \\    |{    |  .  ヽ  {  .Y ヽ.|   イ トく/  ∧ーァj
:::::::∧::l   \\  |{  o   | ト、  小  ヽ。_}|   }     弋   Y
Japan had an army in spite of the fact that it had declared its abandonment of war.Of course, it's not an official one,
but a private army built in the foothills of Fujiyama, in a parrot-singing field, by a group of former military personnel and warriors who had participated in past wars.
The government had been giving them money in secret in case of emergencies, but it wasn't enough,
so they had been making money for the military by appearing in Toho's Godzilla movies and so on, and secretly making
a connection with the public.

                   ,,,,____,..-'''- ...,,__
                 /    ヽ    __  ヽ、
      , -ー- .._     /          {_^ ヽ、}
    _,‐'      \_,,/         i____}二  /
   r´    ,、    ;ヽ      、____,..''"   {___ノ
    ゞrr-'''" ヾ .r 、 ヽ,     ,,   |
    { /rィァ リメ、_ノ=、        |
     `i      }_,,__   /      \ Come on, it's getting busy ! Hey, private hire taxi
      i´ヽ''´  /ヽー―、i     |   \_  Take care of the troops at the foot of Fujiyama Mountain!
      |  ヽ-´ ヽ   ヽ_,,,,/       \
      |      ;__,,, _/ゝ  __,,,,       |
      ヽ、__   ノ ヽー――フ___"'-,-'{^~ヽ |
        ヽ、     ゝ--、 |    〔 ノ   | |
          \_i      ~"''' ‐- __〕  /  |
            \____          /  /__
               ~""''' ‐-‐ '''""~   /;
                   /        //
                  /       /
                  |      /    /
                  |     ,,;     /
                  ヽ、        /
                    ヽ_____  /

|  All right !
\__  _________
            /ΛΛ //ΛΛ||L匳匳||卅||匳匯||匳||
        /_(゜д゜_//_゜Д゜,,)| |丗卅丗卅丗卅丗卅丗
 _,,,.-—''''"_,,,.-—''''"|コ‾ ∪i ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|
 i゛(}[王i王]I()0コ —— |———=|——————————〕
 |_∈口∋‾_l_l⌒l ノ       ノ      ___l⌒l_ソ
  ‾‾`ー'‾ `ー'‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾`ー'   `ー' 
The taxi was a top-of-the-line one with a tiled roof.
(It reminds me of a hearse.)

                             __,-,--..,,_ __
                               /.{.〈 r、 `ヽ:::ヽ
                           r'"{ \〉、jノ      ̄i`"''-..,,_
                            {;;;;;ヽ._l Y ⌒ ノ   .iヽ     `"''
                                /__ ノリ`¨¨¨´ヾ\/`''-,,_
                           tjヾ  ≡≡≡{::::::::`''-、
                         ,.-''"l.`¨/  、‐== .〉:::/ヽ/ ヽ
                     ,..-‐'"   .l /    """"/:::/  /   |`''t-
                     /.       ∧ `r-、_   u ""__/    ヽ ヾ Hurry, hurry, hurry, get ready to move out!
                  /      ヽl ', こ´     //リ      \__  Oh dear, the Prime Minister of Japan is busy with no time to rest!
                      /          .ヽ ヽl__ ,,.-''"´/ヽ      /
                   /      __  .ヽ/|    /.|  ',   / ./
                     /        __ \  | .|ヽ、 / |   \ /'"
                 /        '´-‐-.、ヽ | .|     .| / ̄./
                   /             `ヽ | V  .iヽ  /
                /      i.   ,,..-‐‐ .|、 i /  ./  > /
                 /         .i. /       .lヽi/ /,,.-''., '
                i         i.        ', |/"´ /    _,. .- ー'' " ´
              i             i..  ,.-―-.、i/ _ ,,. /- ー'' " ´  _,. .- ー'' " ´
            i          _,..-| /,.-==ニ三ヽ _,. .- ー'' " ´::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
               l _,..-ー'' "´    {/,.-''´,.-‐‐-〈::::::::::::::::::::::::::::in the car:::::::::::::::::
      _,..-ー'' "´    _,. .-ー'':::"´ヾ' /、       \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                , -‐―y ─―- 、
                /    '      \
               、_/     / /  ヽ    ヽ
               // ,  / / /  {  l  ヽ   ',
            / ,イ l  l  { ∧  l  l   l  ハ
            |/ {  l  { ハ.{ ヽ lヽ _jヽ. j   j ト
            i  l ∧ ハ7ニム  \{ ´ムニレ、|  / !
                ヽ{ lヽ{ヘf_:::j      f_:::リ|/ ハN    wriggling
                 l ∧ `ー'   ,   `ー' l /V
                Vl ヽ.   )‐    イ / By the way, many of you may have felt uncomfortable with the notation "Shogun".
                     ハ |/>,、 _  イヽ/  The truth of the matter is that many people are of the opinion that this place should be called "Tenno" instead of "shogun".
                   _V__{-`ーrr一'´ -}、___
              〃-──ム、___}{__, -<`ー─ミヽ  In fact, it was initially written as "Tenno," but the editor in charge of the magazine "Shosetsu Gendai"
              /    _/__-う__とこヽ ヽ   }>l asked him to change the name from "Tenno" to "shogun," so the original author, Yasutaka Tsutsui,
             ,′ l  { ( l三三三彡'}  l   /l l changed the name on the spot.
              /   ヽ_〉 ヽ/ ∥  ヽ{  {_ /  } }
            j    =/ヽ___/> ∥   \/ヽ_  { {  As for the reason, it is speculated that the Shimanaka incident,
            /  〃 ヽ___,イ  ∥   く__/ヽ\ ヽ   which occurred seven years before this novel was written, had an influence.
         r==┐      j _∥ _  {   \\}
         │   |))__ /__|\;;∨\;;\\_____\ヽ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄<.ゝ、_ノ> x―' /\;\∨__\;;\` ‐-、  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ̄ ̄ ̄  {. ‐/_____\;;ヽー─‐  ̄   }
               `ー────────‐─ '
※ Shimanaka incident

   /      \
  /         \  What a novel ……
/ U  _ノ    ヽ_  \  But even though it's a total rip-off, I'm surprised he's reading Saidensticker at 17 years old.
|     (一)|lil|(ー)  |
/     ∩ノ ⊃_) /  It wasn't until we got into college that we started reading hard-core social science books.
(  \ / _ノ |  |
.\ “  /__|  |
  \ /___ /

     / ̄ ̄\
   /   _ノ  \
   |    ( ー)(ー)
.   |     (__人__)  He's studying hard for a 17-year-old.
    |     ` ⌒´ノ  But as I remember it, the more I study, the more out of focus I become.
   .l^l^ln      }  
.   ヽ   L     }
    ゝ  ノ   ノ    Just like a science fiction writer who doesn't know the natural sciences, and the more poorly
   /  /    \   he studies and tries to put in academic terms, the more out of focus he gets....
  /  /       \
. /  /      |ヽ、二⌒)、

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ○)(○)
. |  U  (__人__)
  |     |r┬-|  N,no ! This isn't about you.
.  | ι   `ー'´}
.  ヽ     u  }
   ヽ     ノ
   /    く  \
   |     \   \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、

         /     \
       /         \
     /     \ , , /  \
      |      (ー)  (ー)  |
     \  u.   (__人__) ,/  Well,、You look at me like that ……
      ノ     ` ⌒´  \
    /´      _i⌒i⌒i⌒i┐ ヽ
    |    l  ( l / / / l
     l    l  ヽ       /

        .r-、       / ̄ ̄\
       /て )     /   _ノ  \
        ( _ノ  フ.     |   ( ●)(●)
       ゝ、 〈     |    (__人__)
       / ハ ヽ.     |     ` ⌒´ノ  Instead, you're good at social science.
       /〃 ヘ  \ .   |           }  The future of science fiction is, as Isaac Asimov says, social science, so let's use some common sense!
      i !   \  ` ーヽ       }
      丶丶   _ >   ヽ    ノ、
          ゝ'´- 、_  y-、       \
        〈      ̄  う       /、  ヽ
            `ー― ¬、__ノ     |  >  /
               |      r'^ヽ'´ _/
                |      `く__ノ´

       /     \
.    /       \
.  / /) ノ '  ヽ、 \ 
  | / .イ '(ー) (ー) u| Be that as it may, what bothers me the most is
.   /,'才.ミ). (__人__)  /  why the American editors wanted to kill it.
.   | ≧シ'  ` ⌒´   \
 /\ ヽ          ヽ

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ●)(●)
. |     (__人__) I can say this because I've read other science fiction books with Japanese and other Japanese characters,
  |     ` ⌒´ノ but I think the editors probably have the same perception of Japan as this kid Trimble.
.  |         }
.  ヽ        }  So, the only thing they wanted to kill it for was its completeness as a novel.
   ヽ     ノ
   .>    <
   |     |
    |     |

     /      \
   /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \
  /  o゚⌒   ⌒゚o  \  If that's the case, it's very sad……
  |     (__人__)    |  
  \     ` ⌒´     /

   / ̄ ̄\  It's just sad, that's all. You're going to be pissed off. The next chapter has China in it, but if a Chinese person read it,
 /   _ノ  \  they'd get a temper tantrum and be angry. Fortunately, there is no science fiction in China, so you won't get a chance to read it, though.
 |    ( ●)(●)                ____
. |   ⌒(__人__)            /      \
  |     ` ⌒´ノ           /─    ─  \
.  |        }  \      / (●) (●)    \
.  ヽ         }     \     |   (__人__)       | <It's that bad ?
   ヽ      ノ       \   \   ` ⌒´     _/
   /    く. \      \  ノ           \
   |     \  \    (⌒二                |
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、      \          |  |

I picked up the manuscript again and began to read the rest.

The second chapter shifts the stage to the CPC, the capital of the People's Republic of China, the political center of Beijing, Zhongnanhai

【Zhongnanhai, Beijing】
The official residence of the supreme leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Hairlesston
     _               , 、        ., 、           、             r
    'Fニ]ヽ            ,/―\___,/―\___/―\_        _   ,/:
_    l  |,ィf゙ヾ 、  ,rュ_,、 -''| l田l | rュ  | l田l |  rュ  ! l田l l `''-rュ ,ィf'゙―‐ヾ ,」 ::
: >   |,ィf'゙.___ ヾ 、_|__|___|__|_,,|_,,|_|__|__l_,,|_|__.!___,l_,,|_ゝ .r┬┐_>"゙:.
; .そ_,ィf'゙  |__|_,」 <ニlニ!ニニニニニニニニロニニニニニニニニニロニニニニニニニニニロ」  _ィ'´`^"゙:.:;
::"..;:ヘ'_'         |==|lEEEEEEE|==|lEEEEEEE|==|lEEEEEEE|==|| <"゙:.:;:::.
゙:.:;:,”:7|三三三三_|  ||王|王|王|王|  ||王|王|王|王|  ||王|王|王|王|  || 」::: :,”"゙:"゙:.:
:,”:"゙:.:゙':,<||―|―|―||  ||土|土|土|土|  ||土|土|土|土|  ||土|土|土|土|  ||r'::;:":: :,”l `:::.
:: :,”:"゙:.:゙そー|―|―||  ||i i i i i i i i i i|  ||i i i i i i i i i i|  ||i i i i i i i i i i|  ||゙、;:":: :,”::`"゙:
:,”:"゙:.:゙ィ   ̄ ̄ ̄~'f==トニニニニニニニf==トニニニニニニニ;f==トニニニニニニニf==r'´゙:":: :"゙:.:;:"゙:
゙:.:゙'”て =========|―' ,,. --- 、 ゙ー'  ,,. --- 、 ゙ー' ,,. --- 、/”::: :,”::_/ヘ"゙:.:
:,”:"゙:.:゙':ヘ.、____,!  /-、.゙、 | / ,.-゙、  /-、.゙、 | / ,.-゙、  /‐、.゙、 | / ,.-゙、”:":: :,;l´:_::,"゙:.:;
:: :,”:":: :,”7,,_||_||_|  | ̄| ̄|| ̄| ̄|  | ̄| ̄|| ̄| ̄|  | ̄|r- 、 ̄| ̄<,v、”:":7 「"゙:.:;::
:: :,”:":: :,”〉,,_||_||_|  l r‐、 ||  |  |  |  |  ||  |  | _| <::.:;..:r‐,,!、 !  |`―'  ゙、"゙:.:
:: _,, 、_:":: l_, ,ィ^´`^''ヽヘ<::;;..;゙r 、'^"^''ス,.|_|_||_|_,r''´::..^''=、::.::::.:r‐- 、 . |―――‐<"゙:.:
´ :: :..; \' /;;.;;...;.;.;;;..;l::.:::゙、:::;;.;;::.ミ ::.;;.::;.ミ|____ミ::..::;_::;.:...` 、::..;;..:::..ミTTTTTTTTTTT
、` 、; :::...:;;:lイ;;.;..;;;::;;:::lTTTTTTTTTTTTl三/____/^´:::;.. `、:: r┐_::.::...ミr―――――‐‐
;;.'i:::.ヽ、::;...l`''-----‐---‐---‐---‐---‐---‐--ミ:: ;.:::;..::;;..;;..:. |   |-┐|_    「 ̄ ̄ ̄
:./::.;;:; ..lヾニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニニ「::..:::;;..;;..:;;..;;..: .r -‐‐、, !_,,l.. -  、   _

      ∧           ∧      
      / ヽ           / .∧ 
─ ニ 三/   ⌒ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ⌒ヽ ←Hairlesston's henchman, Liu Chongqi.
    /::::::::     へ   ル ー  へ  \         
   /::::::::::   ヽ ●        ● ′ /  
   ヽ:::::::::::::::::     \_____/    / <Oh, my God, that's so hard.
    ヽ::::::::::::::::::  .  \__/    ノ  
     ヽ- ''^ヽ、 __        ,/(ア,)  
ニ ニ / (      China  ) ~('" ノ    
    /ヽイヽ        25 ヽ-- '     
 = 'ヽソ /  lニコ__ロ[日]ロ ノ
── ─  {   '"´  ` ̄ヽノ
 _ _ _ _ヽ、__ ,,ィ__/
  ゚       (  , <_、_つ
   ・ ,。 .゚ _(__/      キュムキュム
_ _ _. ;・ 。ヽ,_`っ

In the room where Hairlesston is being given a secret Chinese 4,000-year massage by one of the Red Guards.
His minion, Lou Chongqing, walked in with a gasp.

      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    /             \←Supreme Leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Hairlesston.
   /                  ヽ
    l:::::::::.    ノ             |
    |::::::::::   (●)     (●)   |
   |:::::::::::::::::   \___/     | Oh, shut up ! What's going on?
    ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ

      ∧        ∧
      / ヽ      _/ .∧
     /   ⌒ ̄ ̄   ⌒ヽ
    /::し::::   ━  ルー ━  \
   /:::::::::: ヽ ○     ○ ′ /   
   ヽ::::::し:::::::::  \___/    /   <The Japanese abandoned their declaration of war abandonment for lack of a better word !
    ヽ::::::::::::::::::.  \/    ノ

      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    /             \
   /                  ヽ
    l:::::::::                    |
    |::::::::::   (ー)     (ー)    |
   |:::::::::::::::::   \___/    | Hey, Back off. I'll call you later.
    ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ

Hairiesston let the Red Guards back off.

     ∧        ∧
     / ヽ      _/ ヽ
   /   ⌒ ̄ ̄   ⌒ヽ
  /    へ      へ ヽ     
 l::::::::: /          \ l  
 |::::::::::  ■■■■■■■■ |     
 |::::::::::::::::/// ____ // |   <I adore you, sir.Marx was the original revisionist.
 ヽ:::::::::::::::::.            ノ   And Lenin is a mainstream revisionist.

      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    /             \
   /                  ヽ
    l:::::::::.                 | Smile
    |::::::::::    ⌒     ⌒     |
   |:::::::::::::::::   \___/    | You're real pretty .
    ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ

      ∧        ∧
      / ヽ      _/ .∧
     /   ⌒ ̄ ̄   ⌒ヽ
    /::::::::   へ  ルー  へ  \
   /:::::::::: ヽ-=・=-′ ヽ-=・=-′/    
   ヽ:::::::::::::::::   \___/    /  <Hairlesston Fellow, Am I done ?
    ヽ::::::::::::::::::.  \/    ノ

      ∧        ∧          
        / ヽ      _/ .∧      
     /   ⌒ ̄ ̄   ⌒ヽ     
    /::::::::   へ  ルー  へ  \
   /:::::::::: ヽ ●     ● ′ /  
   ヽ:::::::::::::::::   \___/   /   <The Japanese have declared war on us.
"    ヽ::::::::::::::::::.  \/    ノ    They've said they're going to crush the Chinese Communists if they don't stop
                          provoking the Chinese embassy in Japan!

     ⌒  )  (  ) 人 ヽ
     (⌒    (  `ー'   ) )
    ...( 人| | || | |`ー' ノ
        | | || | |
        | | || | |
      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    / ノ(          \
   /   ^            ヽ
    l:::::::::     \,, ,,/       .|  What a stupid thing to say to them ! What a great Chinese idiot for a Japanese idiot!
    |::::::::::   (●)     (●)   |  I cannot forgive Japan ! We have atomic bomb !
   |:::::::::::::::::   \___/     |  Japan don't have atomic bomb !Launch an atomic bomb on Japan immediately.
    ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ  Is there a missile that can reach Japan or not?

       ∧        ∧          
        / ヽ      _/ .∧        
     /   ⌒ ̄ ̄   ⌒ヽ       
    /::::U:::   へ ルーU へU\     
   /::::::::::Uヽ ●   U ● ′U/ 
   ヽ::::::::::::::::: U \___/ U  /   There .
    ヽ:::::::::::U:::::.U \/ U  ノ 

              / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
          /              \
         /              ヽ
   / ̄\ l      \,, ,,/      |
  ,┤    ト |    (●)     (●)   | Be there .Fire the bomb now.
 |  \_/  ヽ     \___/     | This is my order !
 |   __( ̄ |    \/     ノ
 ヽ___) ノ

It was the moment when the edge of war opened up between Japan and China.

   /.:.:.         \
  /:,:.:.:  /   ヽ    \       
 /.:.l:.:.:/:/   :/  ', :l   ヾ`ー     At that time, in the midst of the Cultural Revolution,
/!:.:.|:.: l/  〃 / j } :|    ハ       Liu Shaoqi, presumed to be Liu Chongqi,
/イ:.:.i|:.:.jL∠/_/ | /l.ム_/| l  l }      was being targeted by Mao Zedong for his overthrow as the main ringleader of the zaizhi faction
 N:.ハ:.:.:lィfアト/ レ ィ=ト | /| ∧j      .(a faction that wanted to abandon communism and go for capitalism).
  ヽム:.} c;_j    c;リ ル iレヽ       .He was persecuted by the Red Guards on a daily basis and was not able to talk to Mao on a friendly basis,
    `ヘ:ゝ    .'    小/         but it was not until Mao Zedong's death in September 1976 
      ヾ:{>、 _ ィ<}/|/          that these facts came to light and the CCP began disclosing information.
   _, ィr'´ヽ{ ___`} ヽ、_         

【Missile base on the outskirts of Beijing】

    _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,__,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,__,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,____,_    ,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_
  /,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,,;;/,,,;; /,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,;;.//二二二ヽ,,,;;/,,,;;/,,;;.//二二二ヽ
  /;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,//:  : ; :.  ,.,\;/,,;;./,,//: : ; :.  ,.,
  /,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/,,,;;/// ;______:;\/,;;// ;_____
 |;~~~~~~~~~~~~.ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~| .;|   :||:   |;.;:| ~~| ;|   :||:   |
 |:  日  日 ii 日  日  日 ii 日  日  日 ii 日  日 | :;| 壹:||:号 |..., .   _ 弐:||:号 |
 |;         ii            ii            ii        |.: .;|   :||:   | ;.; \゙,./.ィ=ヾィ。__/;=
晶 . . .日  日 ii 日  日  日 ii 日  日  日 ii 日  日 |:; |   :||:   |   (^|.|.|.|.|.|.|.||]__|__コ
晶晶 :., ,  .    ii            ii            ii        |.: .;|Π :||:  T    [ロl]三,ィ^i.i.i.i.i,,.-、.、
晶晶晶                               ,晶    ゛υι"    ゙ェ==ニニニ二二lコo=ii∴i`ヽュ
晶晶晶晶ゞ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:::()]三];〕::::::::000==爨:::::::::::::晶晶:::::::::::::::↑↑     """""""""""""""
__________o__________o__________o__________o__________o__________o__________o__________o            o__________o______
/ / / / / / / /////////////////// /|            ''  "'    .'
il二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilX/|             '' "''  : ' ."'
li二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilXil二ilX/              ,, 0)三))

          ャ-_ゞー' レ'´ <-‐ァ、_
   、ー─‐--.∠二          _Z__, ←Hairlessston's minion, Spotwood(Apparently, he means Biao Lin, but I don't know what he means.)
    ヽ.''';;,,ヘ  ∠,            ゞ、_, ノ,;;<"
     '"ヾ;;;;ヽ."иγ,へ, ,.w、 、ト-‐,' ;;/´
       ヾ;;;;Y  ´o レ´  o Vヽy';;/
        l;;: '    __    ,r'
.        l        |;;;;;|     l <Now, on Hairlesston Fellow's orders, we will launch an atomic missile at Japan.
         ゝ,  "   ´ ̄`  " ノ
          `>        ,人
           /            ヽ
        /    |       |   \
.       /     i       i   .\

Spotwood climbed into the interceptor command room beneath the missile base and declared solemnly.

   /.:.:.         \
  /:,:.:.:  /   ヽ    \       
 /.:.l:.:.:/:/   :/  ', :l   ヾ`ー     Incidentally, Lin Biao, presumed to be Spotwood at the time,
/!:.:.|:.: l/  〃 / j } :|    ハ       was upgraded from sixth place in the party pecking order to second place at the eighth 11-member plenum in August 1966,
/イ:.:.i|:.:.jL∠/_/ | /l.ム_/| l  l }      and held the No. 2 position in the Chinese Communist Party.
 N:.ハ:.:.:lィfアト/ レ ィ=ト | /| ∧j      
  ヽム:.} c;_j    c;リ ル iレヽ       .
    `ヘ:ゝ    .'    小/        
      ヾ:{>、 _ ィ<}/|/         .
   _, ィr'´ヽ{ ___`} ヽ、_
For more on the Cultural Revolution,see
I'm sorry for the whole thing.

                   ) ∩∩ (
  ┏┓  ┏━━┓      .)  |.巾|  (     .┏┓┏┓┏┓┏┓
┏┛┗┓┃ ■ ┃┏━━━━ ノ人ヽ ━━━━┓┃┃┃┃┃┃┃┃
┣-  -┫┃┏┓┃┗━━━//━\\━━━┛┃┃┃┃┃┃┃┃
┗┓┏┛┗┛┃┃   Λ_Λ/  ∩∩ \ Λ_Λ   ┣┫┣┫┣┫┣┫
  ┗┛     ┗┛  ( ´∀)   |.┃|   (∀` ) .┗┛┗┛┗┛┗┛ ━━━━Hooray, Hairlesston Fellow ! At last he will get it !
             / ⌒\  ノ 人ニニニニニ⌒\
            /  /\ Y /        \   \      ━━━━This is historical moment.I'll hit the launch button.
           ノ  / __ ̄_______   ヽ   ヽ  ノ⌒、
     ノ^ヽ  ((  / |||┌─────┐ ⑪ |   |  入 Y⌒/\)    ━━━━No, I'll get it !
     |_/ \`Y / ||| |ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ   .| ◎ | / | / \/
  //   /\/  .||| | (  ) ヽ(゚∀゚).|   .| ─ し/\)  \\
///  / /     ||| | < < (゚∀゚)ノ  | |||||| | \       \ \\

The Red Guards in the interceptor command room cheered in unison, then shouted out.

        ∩∧,,∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ミ#゚Д゚彡< Come on, let's not fight.
        ミ    ミ   \_____
  \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄U ̄ ̄\
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||              ||
Spotwood shouted at them.

.   ∧_∧  .||\   \ ̄|  ̄|
  (;@Д@).  || | ̄ ̄||: .| <I can't calculate the trajectory because the control panel is so screwed up.
 ┌( 朝つ/ ̄||/  ̄ / |=|
 | ヽ |二二二」二二二二二二二二」
   ̄]|__)  | |        | |
  / ̄\  /  |        /  |
  ◎  ◎ [__」       [__」

The Red Guardsman, the orbital calculator, was at a loss.
  ∧,,∧   /
 ミ,,゚Д゚彡< You guys, get out there and fix the missile.
  ミつ つ  \
~ミ  ミ.     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  U U

        ⊂(`ハ´)> (`ハ´)っ⊂(`ハ´)><(`ハ´)っ<All right, Sir !!
           ヽ ⊂) (っ /     ヽ ⊂)  (っ /
            ○J  し ○      ○J   し ○

At Spotwood's order, the four Red Guards rushed to the ground.

 カタカタ ∧_∧
     |(@∀@-) We've finally determined the orbital calculations.
   _| ̄ ̄||_)
 /旦|――||// /|
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|

| Then, Fire ! Okay ? San(three), Er(Two), Yi(One), Ling(Zero)!
\__  ___________
     ∨                            ____
     ∧∧                      o /::::       :::ヽ
   ミ# ゚Д゚彡                      O   \、 ,/  ::.il O
   /    ヽ       ri/ 彡           |::⊂《;.・;》 《;・;.》つ
  /   i    ト、   __,,,丿)/            (6.  ⌒ ) ・・)'⌒ヽ 6)
 |    !     )`Y'''" ヽ,,/              |  ┃iuUuui┃  | 
  ! l   |   く,,   ,,,ィ'"               |  ┃|,-v-、|┃  | 
  ヽヽ  ゝ    ! ̄!~~、                \  ヽニニノ  /       
  ヽ  / ̄""'''⌒ ̄"^'''''ー--、            ∵∵:::;:∵;;;∵       
   Y'´          /    """''''~--、    :::::::;;;;::..      
   (      丿  ,,;;''  ....::::::::::: ::::r''''"" ̄""ヽ ∴:.,,; ∴:;;   
    ゝ   ー--、,,,,,___      ::: ::,,,,,ー`''''''⌒''ーイ:::::;;∵..:;:      
    ヽ      \  ̄""'''"" ̄   ヽー---ーイ-、
     ヽ       ヽ  :::::::::::::::::::: /          `ヽ
      ヽ  丿   )       /    ノ   ゝ ヽ ,〉
       ゝ      !      /            ∀
        !     |      /   人     ヽ   ヽ

The missile button was pressed after Spotwood had kicked three or four more Red Guards in the head with Chinese martial arts.

One of the Red Guards, who had gone to the ground, rushed in hurriedly.

               \    |∧∧    /
                ヽ   / 支 \ /
                   (  `ハ´)つ ,::⌒) Oh, my God, that's so hard. Three of my friends
       三ニ=―  (":::⌒ (つ  ノ    ―=ニ三  who were moving the missile flew to Tokyo on the missile.
             (⌒::::.⌒:.  } ,(⌒) .::⌒ヾ
          (::.; (::::.⌒:..  し' 三" :.:⌒)
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ "/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

             ,   ,.  ,.'-‐ァ
          ャ-_ゞー' レ'´ <-‐ァ、_
   、ー─‐--.∠二          _Z__, 
    ヽ.''';;,,ヘ  ∠,            ゞ、_, ノ,;;<"
     '"ヾ;;;;ヽ."иγ,へ, ,.w、 、ト-‐,' ;;/´
       ヾ;;;;Y  ´o レ´  o Vヽy';;/
        l;;: '    __    ,r'
.        l        |;;;;;|     l <May they all rest in peace. They are sure they wanted to see Tokyo.
         ゝ,  "   ´ ̄`  " ノ
          `>        ,人
           /            ヽ
        /    |       |   \
.       /     i       i   .\

The Red Guards, who had been calculating the trajectory, announced a shocking fact.
      (@∀@;)<There's a change in the direction of the wind. At this rate it will fall to Vladivostok.
    _( 朝 ⊂)
   //三/  ./|
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
  |          |/
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

   ミ,,TДT彡 <Vladivostok is in the Soviet Union. I'm very embarrassed.
 ξ ミ  ",つ

       (@Д@-) Let's turn this around, shall we?
     _φ 朝⊂)
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
  |          |/
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

             ,   ,.  ,.'-‐ァ
          ャ-_ゞー' レ'´ <-‐ァ、_
   、ー─‐--.∠二          _Z__, 
    ヽ.''';;,,ヘ  ∠,            ゞ、_, ノ,;;<"
     '"ヾ;;;;ヽ."иγ,へ, ,.w、 、ト-‐,' ;;/´
       ヾ;;;;Y  ´o レ´  o Vヽy';;/
        l;;: '    __    ,r'
.        l        |;;;;;|     l <You can't just turn it around. You should be self-critical right now.
         ゝ,  "   ´ ̄`  " ノ    Until the wind direction changes, we'll keep hitting it to the east. One of them is going to fall on Tokyo.
          `>        ,人
           /            ヽ
        /    |       |   \
.       /     i       i   .\

 :.:.;;.;.;i :::.;::.;:;i.::;;:;/〆 .:,.;::;.;:i .;::.;::;.::;; .;;.::.;:;i|liiiiiii|::; ,;:::::;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii .:.:;;:.;i :.:,.;::;.;:i .;::.;::;.::;;
 :,.::;.;:;i .;::.;::;.:;;;/〆.;:; :.:,.i.:;.;:; :.:,.;:;;.;.;i :.;:.:,;::;|liiiiiii|::; ::;;;::;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii .::;;:;;:; :.:,.i::;.;:i :.:,.;:;;.;.;i
 .:,;.:i.:;i .;.:;;:;:.;/lii|:.;;i..:;i :.:,.;::;.;:i :.:,.i::;.;:;i :.;:.:.;;:;|liiiiiii|::; ;;;::::;; ;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;ii :.;;i..:;i :.:,.;::;.;:i :.:,.i::;.;:;i
 :.;::;.::;; .:,.;::;.;|liiii|:.:;::.;;i ::.::.;:.::;i ;::.:,;.:i.:;i ,:.;;.:i:;;|liiiiiii|::; :;;;:;:;; ;;:;ii品;;:;ii :.:;::.;;i ::.::.::.::;i ;::.:,;.:i.:;;i
 '' ´' '  ''''''´ニニ´''''''  ':" '' ''  ''' ''´' '  '´":''二~二"  ':'' ''' ''''''':''''':''  ''´' ''  ':" '' ''  ''' ''´' '
 :.:.;;.;.;; .::;;.::;;|liiii|.;.;..:;; ;::.:.;:.:::; ,:.;::.:;::.:i ,:;.:.:,::;|!!!| |!!!|,:.;::.:;::.i .;:.:::;,:.;::.:;:i .;.;..:;;i ;::.:.;:.:::; ,:.;::.:;::.:i
 :,.::;.;:;i :::;.::;:.ヾii|:;.:;.,:,i :..;.;:i:.;;i ;::.:,;.:i.:;l .:;i.:;.:///. ヾ;ヽ;::::;;:::i .::;::.:,;.:i.:;;:i :;.:;.,:,i :..;.;:i:.;;i ;::.:,;.:i.:;l
 .:,;.:i.:;i ::::,;;.:;.,|ii|::;:.:;:;i :.:,.;::;.;:; .:::.::.:::::: ::.::::///::i ;;ヾ;;> _ .......:::.::..;;;::;:;:;i ::;:.:;:;i :.:,.;::;.;:; .;;i.::.::;:;;
 :.;::;.::;; :::;;i.::;::|ii|;.;i:.::;i ::,;;.:;.,:,i | ̄| ̄\/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ .;;.:;l :;.;i:.::;i ::,;;.:;.,:,i ;.::.;;:;.:;;i
 .........., ..... ;....|ii|..;......,, .:, .., .., |  | (ニ(::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::| ;i.:;l .:.;;i..:;i :.:,.;::;.;:i :.:,.i::;.;:;i
 .::;;:;;:;; .::;:..:;;:;|ii|:;:;:.:;:;i .,::.;;i.:;l |_|_/\________/.,;:.;,i :;:;:.:;:;i .,::.;;i.:;;i .:.:;:::;i:::;
 :.:.;;.;.;i :::;.::;:.;|ii|;:.;;:.::;i :,;:.,;:..;,i .;;;.::.::;:;; :///::.::.;;.; ,;:;:..;//;/::;;.:;;.;:;;.;;.;;,;:;;i .:,:;:.:;:;; .,::.;;i.:;:l .:.:;:::;i:::;
 :,.::;.;:;i ;:.,i:..;;|iii|,....,...,, ..,,.... .., ..,....,...,,, ,--,, ,,.,..,;:::;/;〆,....,...,.,  ..,,.... .., ::.;;:.::;i :,;:.,;:..;,i .;;i.::.::;:;i
 .:,;.:i.:;i :,:.,;:..;|iii|;.:;i.:;:;i .;;i.::.::;:i .;;i.::,;:;:;///,: .;:.;;.:,///.:;:.:;:.:,.;::;.;:i .;;i.::.::;:; :;.:;i.:;:;i .;;i.::.::;:; .,;:;;i.::;:;;
 :.;::;.::;; .:;::;;;/ii/;:.;;:.::;;i :.:,:;::;.;;l ::;; :;,;i///.::i :;:.;::///.::;.;i:.::;:;.:;;,;,i ;.::.;;:;.:;;i :.;;:.::;;i :.:,:;::;.;;l ::;; :;,::;;i
 .::;;.;;:;; ;;:;ノii/.:;,:i;::.::;; .;;:;i:;..;,i :,;.;:.:;///,:,:;;; .:;;///.:.::..;......, .;.,.... .., ..,..,...,.;,:i;:.::;; .;;:;i:;..;,i :,;.;:.:;,::;i
 .:;::;:;::,_<ii〆;;.;;,;;:.;;;;i ::,;;.:;;,;;i .;:;;.:;|ii:/::;::;;i ;:,;|iii|::::::::;:;:.:;:;i :,::.;;i.:;l .:.:;:::;i::;.;;.::;;i ::,;;.:;:,:;i .::;;.:;:,:;;i
 .;.:;;/ll>....,. ;.,.... .., ..,..,......:, :;:,:;;|《〈:.:,:;::;.;,.,,..,--; ....,...,,....,, ,;:,;:.,;:..;,i .;;i.::.::;:;i.:;;::; :,;:.,;:..;,; .;;i.::.::;:;i
 /iii〆.:;;;.::;i :;.::;:.:;:;i .;;i.::.::;:i .:;.:;;ヾiiヽ::;.::;:.:;:;|iiii|,:.;::.:;::.;;:.:::;,:.;;;::.:;:;i .;.;.;:;;;::.:;:.:;;i ,:.;::.:;:.:i .:.:;:::;i:::;

Thus, dozens of atomic missiles roared out of the wind and flew eastward.

    /  ⌒  ^\
   /  ( ●)  (●)
 /  ::::::⌒(_人__)⌒ヽ
 |       |r┬-|   |  By the way, when shall we play mahjong next time?
 \        `ー'´  /  

I looked up from my manuscript and asked Yaranaio who wouldn't do it.

      (ヽ三/) ))
       ( i)))
   / ̄ ̄\ \
 /   _ノ  \ )
 |    ( >)(<)     
. |  ///(__人__) Mr. Komatsu has already come out of Osaka.
  |     ` ⌒´ノ   
.  |         }  Let's get Dr. Hoshi to come in and make a big show of it.
.  ヽ        }
   ヽ     ノ
⊂ヽ γ    く
i !l ノ ノ    |
⊂cノ´|     |

Dr.Hoshi and Mr. Komatsu areThe two giants of Japanese science fiction: Shinichi Hoshi and Sakyo Komatsu

      ,..-''" ̄ ̄ `'" ̄ ̄`ヽ、
      /             ヽ
   ./     ,,,... -――- ...._    ',
   |    /'´         `!  |            ,. -ー冖'⌒'ー-、
   |  ,ノ           |  :!            ,ノ         \
    |   |   ,. -==、 ,.==-、 |.  |         / ,r‐へへく⌒'¬、  ヽ
   l:  l  ィてフ_> :i i ィてフ_> | ;'           {ノ へ.._、 ,,/~`  〉  }    ,r=-、
    iヘ:|         | |       |''|          /プ ̄`y'¨Y´ ̄ヽ―}j=く    /,ミ=/
    |,ハ|       r_!__ト,     /ノ         .ノ /レ'>-〈_ュ`ー‐'  リ,イ}    〃 /
    ヽ'_l、    ,___,   /'′       / _勺 イ;;∵r;==、、∴'∵; シ    〃 /
     `l \     ―‐  ,/          ,/ └' ノ \   こ¨`    ノ{ー--、〃__/
   _,. -l    丶、___.. 1"i''''''―-   ...人__/ー┬ 个-、__,,.. ‐'´ 〃`ァーァー\
‐''"´ |\        /  |       /   |/ |::::::|、       〃 /:::::/    ヽ
    |:  \      /   |     ./   |   |::::::|\、_________/'   /:::::/〃
     |     \    / _   |       !     l   |::::::|  ` ̄ ̄´    |::::::|/
    l   _,,. -へ   // \ |          ノ\ |::::::|            |::::::|
      Shinichi Hoshi (39).                Sakyo Komatsu (37).
Later became the first president of the SF Writers Club of Japan and the third president of the SF Writers Club of Japan.

    /       \
   /          \
 /   ノ  ヽ、_    \
 |   ( ●) (● ).     |
 \ l^l^ln__人__)     / It's filled with malice.
  /ヽ   L⌒ ´
      ゝ  ノ

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ○)(○)
. |  U  (__人__)
  |     |r┬-| Oh, I don't mean any ill will toward Mr. Komatsu or Dr. Hoshi.
.  | ι   `ー'´}
.  ヽ     u  }
   ヽ     ノ
   /    く  \
   |     \   \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、

   /      \
  /   _ノ ヽ、_.\
/    (●)  (●) \
|       (__人__)    | That's not the case. This novel is malicious to China.
/     ∩ノ ⊃  /
(  \ / _ノ |  |
.\ “  /__|  |
  \ /___ /

   / ̄ ̄\ <It's a given that Americans have bad intentions towards China.
 /   _ノ  \  It seems that the U.S.-USSR -Japan Tripartite Defense Agreement will be formed involving the Chinese Republic.
 |    ( ●)(●)                ____
. |  U   (__人__)            /      \
  |     ` ⌒´ノ           /─    ─  \
.  |        }  \      / (●) (●)    \
.  ヽ         }     \     |   (__人__)       | Even so, it's a terrible way to write.
   ヽ      ノ       \   \   ` ⌒´     _/
   /    く. \      \  ノ           \
   |     \  \    (⌒二                |
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、      \          |  |

             / ̄ ̄\
           /   _ノ  \
           |    ( ●)(●) But there are a lot of Japanese who look
          . |     (__人__) at China that way too.
            |     ` ⌒´ノ       ___
                |         }       /      \
            ヽ        }     /  _ノ  ヽ、_ \
           __∠ヽ     ノ ,_   /  (● )  (● )  \
         《〈〈ゝ´      \ `ヽ|      (__人__)      | That's about it.
         {    /      |、 ヽ  \    ` ⌒´    /
          ヽ___ ノ!       l ー‐ヽ             ⌒ヽ
                l      l     i               、 ヽ

  I reread the rest of the story.

The next chapter was set back in Japan again.
__,r-ー'";;;;r・''"~__'''ww|=l゙''よう    .| lヽ                                     ,r| ̄ ̄
__,r-ー'";;;;r・;;"~ ̄|⌒l|=l゙'   こそ, | l゙ミ\                                 ,f"l__
__;r-ー"盒r二'~三l!i!i!l|=l彡'''ー-、__ミ| l`ll.゙ミ\                                 ,,r',,l゙|
_:匚l⌒l”l㌍ ̄巛|l!i!i!l[[㍾㍽]ニ[㍼㍻]`|i,ll.゙゙ミ\                              ,/,il゚. .|
 ̄l_l!i!i:l’l ハハ㌔|l!i!i!|.『''''|i|''''|i|''''|i| 』l“~』'ヽ,,゙゙ミ\                       ,/,/    |
  |_l!i!i:l_|,;(゚∀゚) l:i::i!|.『.'.'|i|'.'.|i|'.'.|i| 』l| 』;;;;;;ヾ゙ll画l                      /゙/ ,、:; |
  |_l!i!i:l_| ̄ ̄三|l!i!i!|.『,,,,|i|,,,,|i|,,,,|i| 』l| 』゙`'lr-、ヾ゙ll\                         /゙,//r´| |
/|_l!i!i:l_|=l^il=三|l!i!i!|.『''''~'''''~''''''''| 』l| 』,,._l| l;;;;ヽll゙゙ll\_                    ,,///,r':l | .|
/|_l!i!i:l_l,,,,,,,,,,,三|l!i!i!|.『.. ∧_∧ | 』l| l⌒ヽヽ~::::::,ll゙ll゙l^l                     ,il/.,,ll::l:::l | .|
_|_l!i!i:l_l ̄ ̄ ̄|l!i!i!|.『  (*^ー^) ,| 』」 l{空気}ヽヾlll~゚li!il         .        /._.l'´ll:.l:;;l,,''l ,|
 ∥|!i!il_|  Uミ .|l!i!i!┏illllll||||||lllllli┓l__l ̄ ̄ ョョョ, llヽl!i!lヽ             「_,i´l l.;.,ー,゙'" :l巛|
 ∥|!i!il_| ≪,,,〉.|l!i!i!||_,,,staition,,,,_l;;l l \\l' ''゚l ll l!!i|゙゙'ョ__           : : : .il「l.l ,,l,ー゙゙″  _l巛|
 ∥|!i!il_|  ノ__ゝl:i!:!|l『 ~ ~~~~~~/』|;;l l    |\l ll l!l;l |`l:l゚l-、       .,,、'”二l,ll゙" _,,,r'二~|巛|
 ∥|!i!il_|\\》 |i!i!|l『      』|;;l...┌┐ |  l llヽl!l;l l~i:!;|』;l`l,   .,,'#ll,』 |.lll,,ーヽ ̄______,,,l|巛|
.._∥|,i'_l_|__i_|i!i!|l『      』|;;l___l∇i_l_l__li!__l!l;l:l'ヮ,'l㌍l、l゚i: :. |゙il゙il|#「l ┌┐/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yl,,__;|
┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴|『      』|;;l┬l∇l┴┬┴┬ l!i!| ̄~'l';、l゙┘~  ゚゙'N,,,. l::::l∇l | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~l: |
┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬|『      』|,,l┴l∇l┬┴┬,,,,,─lr'''゚`''"”`         ”゙ l∇l i______  ...|..l: |
─┴┬┴┬┴┬ill゙━=≡三 三≡=┬|,,,l,,l: ''''""~                  l∇l.゚'-、|\:;\:;:;l: |
 ̄””゚゚゚“゚''''''''━━----        ´´、、,,,,,,,,,,,,__                      |,,l,,|  ゙\|二.i _l: |_
                           : ` ̄”゚゙゙゙゚'''''''━━--        '''''“         '-、.i,″___

Just before the atomic bomb missile was about to fall, Kyoto's ginza (translation: as in the original.
(Gion or Shijo Dori, apparently a misnomer) was buzzing with excitement.

     "ヾ;" ; ヾ  ;"ヾ ; ;ヾ ;ヾ;"  ";ヾ ;"    /ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ   ";; ;ヾ ;ヾ" ;;
    "" ;ヾ ;";"ヾ;";ヾ ;ヾ__ ;;"ヾ ;ヾ; " ;ヾヾ "//  ;ヾ    ";ヾ ; ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ; ヾ
  ;"ヾヾ;"ヾ ;ヾ;"ヾ;;"ヾ;\\  ;"ヾ ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾヾ ";ヾ"  ";   ;ヾ" ; ;;ヾ"
" ヾ ;ヾ ;" ;";ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;  ;"ヾ    ;ヾ; " ;;ヾ 〃";ヾ ;ヾ" ;ヾ ;ヾ  ";;ヾδヾ ;""
  " " " "ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ;" ;;" ;"ヾ __ ;;"   ";ヾ ;ヾ  ;"ヾ ; ;ヾ ;ヾ"  ; / "; ;ヾ ; ;ヾ ;"∧ ∧ δ
      " ;ヾ ;ヾ ;";ヾ ;ヾ ;" ";ヾ ;"  ;ヾ ;ヾ  〃 ";ヾヾ ;ヾ "  " ; ; ; ;ヾ ;ヾ"; (,,゚∀゚)
ヾ ;      ;;"ヾ;"〃  ";ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ; ;ヾ" ;ヾ" ;ヾ ;ヾ ;;ヾ ;../ ;ヾ  ;" ;ヾ ;;ヾ ;ヾ"/∪∪
   ";ヾ ;ヾ ;;"ヾ ;ヾ;"ヾ;  " ;ヾ ;ヾ;_"  ; ;";ヾ ;;"ヾ ; ;"//  ;ヾヾ ;ヾ  ";"; ;;"ヾ ; ノ
 " ヾ ;ヾ ヾヾ   ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ ;";ヾ ;ヾ ;"ヾ   ; ;"  ; ヾ 〃";ヾ ;"  ";. ; ;ヾ ;ヾ ;"
 ;"";""; " " ;_; " ";  ;"ヾ ;ヾ ;ヾ;" "ヾ;" i  i  l ";ヾ ;;ヾ ;;"      "ヾ; ;";ヾ ;;"
   ";ヾ  ;ヾ ; ";  " ;ヾ ;ヾ;_"  ; ;ヾ|i   l  l i|/"/゙   "    "    " ヾ "
     " ;ヾ ヾ ;"    " ;ヾ ;ヾ; " ヾ|ll l | |゛l|/"     "         "
      ∧ ∧        ヾ;"ヾ゛. || | ll | .|∧ ∧          ∧ ∧  "
     ミ,,・∀・ミ   "∧i∧     .| l | ゛ |  彡 ' ー'ミ "  ヽWノ  (,,゚ω゚)ノ  シ¶
   "~(___ノ    (*・ω・)   . |||   | ゛|U U     (‘д‘)  (   ) " ∧⌒∧
  ,,,,,[|||||||||||||] "  ( つ旦o,,,,,,    || | ゛ | l |、 ,,,,,,    ./  |,   U U,,,,,ノ ( ゚ Д゚ ),,,,
 ,,,  ヾ Дメ ___∪ ∪  ∩   ノノ∩人 ヾ、 ヽ、    (___ノ ∧∧  ,,,§(|****|)
  //(| y旦o       ~⊂ ̄ ̄ ( _Д_)⊃ ∧∧  ゛/ ,,,   (・ο・) ,,,, //****)
/ .~|.   |.   [||||||||||||]  .∧∧ ̄./∨∨ ,,,,,[゚ω゚*]     ,,,, ~(,,uuノ,,,∧∧∪ ∪,,,,
∧ル∧∪ ∪   @#・∀・@.¶( ゚Д゚) / シ¶  旦ノ[#ノ ]      ~′ ̄ ̄(,,゚Д゚)
( ゚Д゚)___∧ ∧___ ゝ|し |┐ ∧⌒∧ ,,,<ω<  Λ Λ,,,, UU ̄ ̄ U U,,,,      ,,,,
(つ[[(0])   (,,`Д´)    (_|./ |┘ノミ ゚ Д゚ 彡  ,,, /Ψノノハ%     ,,,,    ,,,,
|  |     /ハ ∵|つ┓    U U  §(|%%%%|)   ,,, ノ§・∀・)ζ,,,,,,,,,,,,∧,,∧
∪∪ ,,,,, ヽ(∪旦,,). ┃  ,,,,      //****),,    ~(___ノ,,,,,,,,,,,,,つミ-Д-ミつ ZZZZZzzzzzzzz
           ,,,,           ∪ ∪  ,,,,         ,,,,        ,,,,
The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, so the guys, the geisha girls, and
the zengakuren (he'd think they'd all be geisha) started flirting, spreading mushiros in
the streets and eating sushi and tempura.

  ┴─┴  /~~)              ∧_∧
  川・ー リ./>'`    ∧∧  .i─ゝ   リ・∀・爪 
  (!!__∩~<O     (,,゚Д゚)/>~    /:::::v:::::::ヽ
  ヽつ ⊃       (;;; --くO    (Uヾ ロ O二二哭
  |ヽ___ノ       くヾO./ヾ     `-'⌒-~
 (__)_)       |::~l /へつ    (::::人:::ヽ
             し        (___) (_)

At the tea shop along the street, Akira Kurosawa and Seven Sumurais were playing a Japanese
pop song that sounded like a rendition of a Beatles song.

                 _        , -、- 、_--‐,_‐ 、
                  _        , -、- 、_--‐,_‐ 、
                   t`ー;-、_  _ノ:::::::::\ニ三ハ、:..:\
                       マr、:::::::`>:'"´ ̄ ̄\/:、い\:..:.丶
                    ぃ >:'´:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /:,r^';:∨,ヘ:..:..:..`ヽ
                   //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: `ヽ. i:: V/∧:..:..{::.}
                  __ ,ヘ/  , '::::::!::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::: ヽ.l:::::マv∧::.::V }_
                _/:.:.`//::::/::: , i i:::::::::::!:!::::::::::ト、::::::::::i:::: }:}//}/ ' L、
            ,__‐'´:.:.:.:.:.:,' '::::〃:.イ:;': ,l::::::: .i |. . . '.i. i. . . .::!. . {.ニ7___  '/
           //:.ヽ:.:.:.:.:::i i:::::!i|: ト/イハ:::: リ!:!:.:;イ::川::::::::::.:i::::::r'´:.:.:.:.ヽ./
         ,. .:'´:.:.:.:.:.::l.::::::;.イハ.:j从fトミ{ {、厶ム/-}::リ:ji::::::::::::|: /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::}
        ,. .:'´.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::;_j/ Ⅵ`ヽベ_マリ  リ ァ示=‐く/」:::::::::!:r'; -― 、:.::;ハ
.     /.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::/     !::.|::::i ^¨ノ   、 マ沙'ノマ:::::: ,'::i〉:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:V:..:',
   /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::∠ー-<^ヽ-‐/::.:!:::: 、 ヽ     ^ ̄´ /::::: /_/:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:/イ:..:..}
  /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::/:.、`ヽ三ヘ:.ヽ{:::.::.',:::::::\ヽー-,   /:::;イ´/:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;':::::::_ノ Hey you ! Just a moment. What's that ?
  ヽ、:.:.:.:.-:一:'´:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:マ三∧:.i`ヽ、ヽ:::::::{::ヽご -‐/::::{/,.V:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:i{`¨「
    ` ‐ ::_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.V_/_ハ::!:..:..:..`ヾ、::V::r' } __厶-‐`:/;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ji::..:.ヽ
        丁:ー- :__ヽV-/ハ:.、:..:..:,ヘ:_いv' /:;. -―‐7:i:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ハ:..:..:.i
         l:::::::::|::::::::: ̄∨/ム:..:..:.{:/:〃_==く:_::..:..:i::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.: /v,'l:..:..:|
         ?!::::::::i|:::::::::i:::::::マニ7i\:¬_{辷':::.:::.: リ:::.::}:../i|:::::::::.:.::/:/}/l:..:..l

One of the Geisha girls asked the bespectacled-faced Zengakuren .

       ,、r '.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ、
      / :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: \
    / .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ヽ
   / :.:.:.:.:.:.:/| A .ハヘ.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ
   /.:.:.:.:.:.: /,r|キ-リト‐-リA.:.:.:∧.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:',
  ./ :.:.:.:.:.:/|{,ィ´・  }    ヽ/~ i:.:,.:.:.:.:.:.:_.:.:.:.:.:.: : |
  i: :.: /ハ|イ ’ ,/,r'       i!'ヽ.:.:.|´ .`i.:.:.:.:.:.|
  |ハ: :|夕'¨` ̄ ̄´          ヽ.:|   |.:.:.:.:.:|
  ! |{´.}                 i!   i.:.:.:.:.:.|
   ! iヽ  ,、rヘ、              /.:.:.:.:.:i
    { <r'´ ̄::.`>、         ,_, r'|.:.:.:.:.:.|
    ヽ ヽ:::::::::r' .ヽ         j   | ,、.:.:.:i
     ヽ ヽ::::.|   .ヽ        j   i! ヽi;,i!  I wonder what it is. Is it a bird, or is it a plane?
      ヽ ヽ::::|  ,〃      , '      `ヽ
        ヽヽ=='″     , '   |      / …That's missile !
        .ヽ`¨´    , r'       |     / /
         ヽ、 _ ,、<          |    / /
               ヽ        .|   / /
                `>、    .!  / /
               /  |\   ./ /
             /    | |.|`, / /
           /      | | | .'/  /

     |\       |\
     l lヽ`-‐ '´ ̄ ̄ヾゝヽ :
      シ~ /" `ヽ ヽ ` `、l
    //, '///|! !∥ ヽハ 、_V {
  ; 〃 {_{'´|」」 L|`ヽリ| l | i| i ;
    レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i| .ガクガク.
    ヽ|l⊃ 、_,、_, ⊂⊃ |ノ│
     | 八 u  {  }  _l /|  ! }  Even I can't control the missile.!!
   ;: | lr'⌒)、._ ̄_(´ヽノ |//ハ     ___
ガク ….l/  /}ヾ、 / ヽ_ヽ|ヽ/ハ   , ',´;.;.,r´;
   ;  lTTTl ll丶× /{ヘ ∧彡,,、,. '";.;.;.;.ソ

   ._.. -''″     .__..__,、           -=ニ゙゙ニ--- -......,,,,,_、     .'`-┷lli..,, ,_
. ‐'″  _,,.. -ー''''^゙゙二ri'ニ.... ....、............. ...._,,,_            ゙゙゙゙̄''''lllll,,,,_
..,.. -''"゛          _,,,.. --ー''''."゙.´                       ̄''''―
    _,,,,,       ` ̄ ̄ ゙゙゙̄! ,,__      .,,,,..uuii、;;;;;;y ......,,,,_,i-............ ......,,,,
-''''゙彡'"゛    ._,,..yr‐ ._,,.. -ー''''''゙゙ ̄´ i|     i  |i       ´`゙'''― ,,,_
...ノ'"  .,.. -''',゙..r''“゙゙“´             i|  i     |i               `'''ー、、
  _..-'"゛ _..-                 i|    i  |i                   `'ゝ
'"  .,..ッr'"                i|      |i                   ヽ
.., ''ソ゛                       i|      |i
゛ l゙                     i| i      |i
 .!                    i|        |i
  ヽ                    i|   i     |i
   .`'-、、,                i|    i     |i                   _..-'´
      `''ー  ,,_           i|        |i          _,,,.. -‐''"
              ´゙'''ー . ,_      i|          |i   . _____ii;;;;;;ニ二......、
.,,_. : =i i ,,、          ,゙,゙;;;;;;;;;;; i|          |i              '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  .`゙''''~ .`''ー .. ,,,,____ .__.`゙゙'''''~ i|          |i ー''''''''三゙゙..........---;;;;='   ._,,..
'''ー ...,,,_          ̄ ̄ ゙゙゙゙̄^.i|   i         |i .,,,,,,...... -―''''"´  . --l∋´
¬――ー`-′   . .       i|             |i       _,,.. -‐''"゛
`゙"'''―- ....,,,_     `゙`-`-二,゙", ,i|           |i  -¬''"´    .__,,,,,,,_,,,,..
'―-- 、..,,,,_、 . ̄''-.. ,,_、  ." i|       i         |i .-―ー¬''''゙゙゙ ̄´゛
        ̄ ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙̄ '''''゙゙“''  i|               |i  .、  ヽ     \
           、       i|               |i   l.    '、 ヽ  .  ..,
/  . ./    ./       i|               |i.  ヽ   ヽ .ヽ. \ \
  / /    /        i|               i   |i   l.l.  .、  ヽ. \.\
 /  ./ 、  ,/./       .  i|                   |i .、 .l.  ヽ  .ヽ .\ ヽ
″ ./  /  ./ ,i′      i|                     |i.  ..l.  .ヽ  .ヽ ヽ.
 /  /   ./ /        ,i|                     |i   . l    ヽ  ヽ .゙
'" ./   ,/ /     .、  i|          i            |i   l   ヽ    ヽ
 ./   ./ ./      / ,i|                    i    |i    .l,   ヽ \
./   ./ ./      ./ i|  i                        |i     |″ l

The A-bomb missile fell in the middle of the street and exploded.

 Prime Minister's Official Residence
                             | ● (
                             「 ̄`゙
               _            |             ___
               |ニ|    _,,,,__,...,,⊥,,...,__,,,,__    |ニ|
;  trーrrrrrーrrrrrーrrrrr‐inirrrff「[L|-|┴|‐|゙┴゙|‐|┴|-|=l]ff'rrrini‐rrrrrーrrrrrーrrrrーrァ ,:''
`、 jj二!ニl二lニニl二!ニl二lニニj少‐…¬二二 ̄二二¬…‐心!ニニl二lニl二lニl二lニl二l{,;':.',
:;゙゙ ]竺竺竺竺f´`:.'´ヾ竺竺竺込斗=圷二i圷二i行二代ニぇ以竺竺竺竺竺竺竺竺竺;''゙:.:';:、
:'、 ||.:.||幵||ヾ´:.';.:,'´:.;''´ヾ.||幵||.:.| |ff| |.j幵| ||廾|| |幵l| |云| |:.||幵||:.||幵||:.||幵||:.||幵||.゙;;i;''、:';
;;′||.:.||任|lノ';.';、.: ,:':,':,'´ハ|任||.:.| |エ| |.|任| |l辻l| |任|| |辻| |:.||任||:.||任||:.||任||:.||任||.:.||`;:';:
  ||.:.ァ'ニ,'':ヽ:.、ヾ;' ,:'ヽ:':,.:'iァ'ニミ.:.| |ニ| |ノヽ| |,二_| |/ヽ| |へ| |:ァ'ニミ:.:ァ'ニミ:.ァ'ニミ:.ァ'ニミ.:.|| ;:.:::
  ||.:.|lヲ′、:.';ヽ;''.:.;' ;.' ;'ノi|幵||.:.| |ff| |.|幵| ||廾|| |幵|| |刊| |:.||幵||:.||幵||:.||幵||:.||幵||.:.|| ;:';,:
 ,,_||;''";`';.:';:';.゙:、;';' ; :;';'、';ハ|任||,;,| |エ| |.|任| ||幵|| |任|| |凶| |:.||任||:.||任||:.||任||:.||任||.:.|| ゙';;.:
'´;':;゙`ヽ、:.:'':;;.:ゞ'';;i:゙;;,;;'::;,' ;,:ゞニア''フ辷Lニlニl゙二゙lニlニ辷iヽ、\゙ー'二'ー''二'ー'二'ー''厂|二l"
';゙:.:'ヽ:.;':;;ヾ'゙"`゙l:.:{´rn`'''゙ ̄`| ̄ ̄\i⌒i! ll⌒ll ll⌒l/ ̄ ̄|´;,::''.;'`´;:'':.;`"::;;'';':`ヾ ̄|三|
゙゙゙゙ ゙゙゙゙ ""゙゙゙゙" " "゙゙゙゙ ゙゙゙゙" "゙゙゙ ゙゙゙゙゙" ̄          ̄"" ""゙゙゙゙ ""゙゙゙゙ ""゙゙ "" "" ""゙゙゙゙ ""゙゙

  ∩___∩  ←Press Secretary to the Prime Minister's Office
   | ノ      ヽ
  /  ●   ● |   Prime Minister, Prime Minister, I'm sorry!
  |  U ( _●_)  ミ  Oh, my God, that's so hard !
 彡、   |∪|  、`\  
/ __  ヽノ /´>  ) A China-Communist atomic bomb fell on Kyoto's ginza,
(___)   / (_/  and a Tordidera fishing bell dove into Biwaco.
 |       /    (He thinks Japan is a very small country.)
 |  /\ \   
 | /    )  )
 ∪    (  \  The lion's share of the Megumi fire brigade is a waste of time!!

Japan has suffered the most damage from the atomic bomb since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Most Americans don't remember the Fifth Fukuryu Maru incident. (Considering the capacity of theirs brain.)

※ Fifth Fukuryu Maru

          ,.ィ'" ̄;.;.`ヽ、
         ,イ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.「 ̄ `' ー-.、.
       / ル,;.;.;.,.r‐--、;.;r、;.:L_      ヽ、
        |  L_~リ'、 __,.、 l;llヘ!;f'  ,      ',
       ∧ ヾ=,!´ー≡″L/   !         '、
      ,'    ヽl   __ j /ヘ   i!       ,  ',  It's my fault, as prime minister, that I've come to this !
      ,'     i!`く-‐' ,イ   ,./i l      /   ',
     i  !   iヘ  ̄ヾ レ'"´  l`ー    ト、   I   That is until I made a gut-wrenching apology!
     !  l    l `ヽ、 ',、    l      l ヾ l
     !  ヽ  /     ̄ヘ\___!      l   l
     ,'   _,./        `>-、_」    l  l   lヽ
    i /  /       ,,. ''´  ヽ!   l  l     i
    !     ',     ,. '´      i!   l  !     l
     ! l    l   /;, .       l     l     l l⌒ヽ.
     l l    !  /;, , . ,      /     i !     l !   l
    l l    !  /;:. ;:.        /     /      /  ノ
    l    l /;,. .        /      /      l ム/´
    ',   l /         ,ィ′ /  /; .;, .    //
     !=-  !|     _ _,.//  /  /; ..; .    //
    /   ヘヾ、   ,. '  /     /;. ,  .    //
    /    、'、`ー─'_,. -'´   /;. , ;;. .    //
    //! i^! !i ト-,.ィ´7     /|       /,ノ′
   U ! l l l ', l  }イ/ / / ,.-'´ ヾヽ    //
     U U U   /ノノ_/     `ー─'″

At times like these, the Japanese are so concerned about their own progress that they don't pay attention
to the work they are about to do or the way things are handled.
They are unconcerned after his own death. As the proverb says, "The rest is just a matter of death.

     _ -
    , '"
  ん | !''! !'''、ヾ "!、      ←Wakadosiyori
 //ル |.! | | 人 ヽ,,''!,,弋
 〃;;;i '!!, 代 !i、\|ヽ!ヾ  !
 !! ;;;|.  'ヾ、゙ ゙.:;;;;iiiiiiii!!!!!!"" ヾ,
  !  !,;;ii||i;,  ゙ 〃;杰;"ヽ    "、
    "!?段;,    ._ヾシ-      !. /
    ":;i|i;  ,,// ///"      !/
      i、  _,, - _=-          This is a special cabinet meeting.
        i、 -‐'' '      /   Today's agenda is about the Prime Minister's Harakiri.
         i、       ,,-'     Those in favor of [Yes], and those opposed to [No], please show us the flag.
.     /    i、    _,.-i;;
    〃     ヽ--‐=|!!!;:

【Under discussion by ministers】
    ∧,,∧  ∧,,∧
 ∧ (´・ω・) (・ω・`) ∧∧
( ´・ω) U) ( つと ノ(ω・` )
| U (  ´・) (・`  ) と ノ
 u-u (l    ) (   ノu-u
     `u-u'. `u-u'

パッ   パッ   パッ    パッ   パッ           ┏──────────────────────────┓
  [Yes]  [Yes]   [Yes]  [Yes]  [Yes] 
  ∥∧∧  ∥∧∧ ∥∧,,∧ ∥∧,,∧ ∥∧∧        The "you are the majority" answer came in.
  ∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)       I am in favor of it. Congratulations, that's all. A majority vote.
   (    ). (    ). (    ) (    ) (    ) 
   `u-u´  `u-u´   `u-u´  `u-u´  `u-u´     ┗──────────────────────────┛
   大蔵   外務   官房    老中  治部
   大臣   大臣   長官    主座  少輔

Thus, the Prime Minister's ritual suicide was decided.

            -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、                    -‐ '´ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
            / /" `ヽ ヽ  \            / /" `ヽ ヽ  \
           .//, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ         //, '/     ヽハ  、 ヽ
        〃 {_{ノ    `ヽリ| l │ i|           .〃 {_{ノ    `ヽリ| l │ i|
        レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i|           .レ!小l●    ● 从 |、i|
         ヽ|l ||、_,、_ ||  |ノ│         ヽ|l ||、_,、_ ||  |ノ│
       /⌒ヽ__|ヘ || ゝ._) ||j /⌒i !      ./⌒ヽ__|ヘ || ゝ._) ||j /⌒i !
     ..\ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│       . \ /:::::| l>,、 __, イァ/  /│
       ./:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |        ./:::::/| | ヾ:::|三/::{ヘ、__∧ |
        . `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡' |       `ヽ< | |  ヾ∨:::/ヾ:::彡'

Prior to the seppuku, the Aigo Girls wept and expressed their condolences to the dying Prime Minister.

      |;;;|      ノリ     ミ;;;|
     _ゞ;! r─-- 、  ,rェ--- 、ミ;リ
     ヾ、!      !;     ,レソ
       `|      ^'='^     ム'′It's a death poem! "I'm not going to let the rainy Chinks or this or that pain in my gut stay."
       ,rト、  ー- ─-:  /|   (I don't know what he's talking about.)
    _../ i| \   ===   ,イ.:ト、
    /  i| ゙、\  ;   /リ.:;!:::\、_
       ゙!  ゙、 `ー─''゙:::;:'::::|::::::::::\
        ゙、      :::/::::::|::::::
    `ヽ、  ゙、     ./  .|  ,-、、

This is one of those songs that I've been thinking about for years.

              , '
           ノ /
          /  i
          ,i  |i
         ,'  |i
         i|   |i
        i|   .|i
        |    .i、
        ゝ     i、
        .i|      ゝ
         .i|      丶
         .i|       \
          .i|        丶
          .i|        丶丶、、,,
           i|         \ゞ`
            i|、       `\ 、、,
             ゝ       `丶`\ゞ
               \  ,.   ミ\丶 `
                 `;丶\丶  、`丶
                       \ 丶

              _,..-──- 、、
        /::::,r'゙ァー-ー'ア"リijk´ ̄``""´``i::::::::i
       ,!::::::!       ,!トゝ、   u     l:::::::|
       |::::::!  u      ,!ヾ、,,_      ゙i:::::!    
       |::,::l ,ィニニニ二r'´  ゞ二ニニニゝ、 ,!:::j
       ,rゝ;l. ´ ,ィ=≡'´レ   '`ヾ==-、  .! !^i    Ah……
      .i r、i;i      ' ´:;    ` `      リイ^!
       | ソii    u   j             l!ヽ l    This big dicks that
       i ,!( ,!      `ゝt''´     U   | j!,!
       `、. `i        _,,_ __       ,!レ'/    I can't wait to feel that sting.....
        \!  u   ィ-‐ーー-ゝ     ,!,イ
          i、       ー一        / i/
          |`、                /  'i
          |  \     u       ,イ   |
          |   \ ___,__, ィ´/   |
          _,!              /     l、_
    ,,、-‐ ''"´ i  ;             ! !   ̄``''ー- 、
           l   ;          ,'  ,'  !  ;

                    , - - - _
              ./::/     〃/~=y、_:::::::ヽ
             _/::/r;‐-...._ , ({ハ     `ー1:::!     I was hoping to ask my ass to do
            /ri`リ ゙'=ミニ、f′ {ト、 U   j::::{
           { ノv u   `/  "ミ_-ミ丶、 j:::::i     something like this.....
            い/     ノ     `゙ヾミ`ー!_:/´
            } '       'っ;:、}   u    /厶
               ソ    辷ー-、        ,ハ}       I'm sure they'll be here to pick me up soon.
              ハ u  、 ` ヾ‐ u  /ニノ
             i ヘ    `' "    厶:公
      ───- !  i ヽ   /     /〃フ
          ) /   !  `‐- .._, イ  ハ/
      `丶、     |        /  /、

         ,. -‐-─-- 、
.      /             `ー、
    〃                 i,
   r'   ィ=ゝー-、-、、r=‐ヮォ.〈
    !  :l      ,リ|}    |. }
.   {.   |          ′    | }
    レ-、{  彡ミ≡、  ,.≡彡ミl l
    !∩|.}  '" e `   '´ e`ヽf^|
    l((. ⊂ニ´' ̄´   {::` ̄丶ニつ
.    ヽヽ。o    ^ r'     lリ o 。
.    }.iーi    / ̄ ̄ ̄ 7 ,'  I mean, I can't die from the pain !
     !| ヽ. /―    ‐-〈 ./   I don't know what this is !
.   /}   ヽヽ--――‐-'イ
 __/ ∥  .  ヽ、_!__/:::|\
 /i   |!  i      :;::;:::::::ト、 ヽー-
 │ .|  i l     ノ ,'    :i  i
 ノ   |- ⊥.」__     /_,. -‐ |  |

It's a given. If you cut your stomach, it must be painful. On top of that, it's not easy to die by cutting off your belly,
so your suffering will last a long time. But the Japanese are weak in medicine and think that ritual suicide is the best way to kill yourself.

The Prime Minister staggered out with his short sword propped up against his stomach and shouted

         ___ _        ノ^ヽ.ノ^ヽ/^ヽ ,「´
    __ -‐''"´ ̄ `  `''ヽ=、「 ̄`´
  f ,-、ィ'^w'!::::::::::::::::::::::(´
 └!{    {::::::::::::::::::::::::\
  !  _,.-ー、ヽ::::::::::::::_::::,-┘ 
  lzニヘ´i ̄ \:::/´,.ヽ\
.  /  「レ l{   i l:::ヤl(_」 l:::::)  G, get a doctor ! Somebody get a doctor !
 /  ,´'" __  j l.ミ' ヒ,、 .!:r′
 L_,、 ,.ィ´ !`ヽ   り /::`)
  `Lく !  !  l    し':/
     ! !  ! l   l /
      ! !. V    / `ー---、              l^Uヽ
      l_,レ'´  /      /             ,、|
.‐''´ ̄`ヽ}   ,/|  _      ̄フ           |`
'" ,    _>-'┴'''''<、    ' ''フ,r‐、  ,r、 /^、--'
,. '   /                /´ 、. ヽノ  `く.  \

……Yaranaio's translation was finished here.

        ノ L____
       ⌒ \ / \
      / (○) (○)\
     /    (__人__)   \
      |       |::::::|     |   What's this !? It's too terrible !!
     \       l;;;;;;l    /l!| !
     /     `ー'    \ |i
   /          ヽ !l ヽi
   (   丶- 、       しE |そ   Wam!!
    `ー、_ノ       ∑ l、E ノ <

     / ̄ ̄\
   /   _ノ  \
   |    ( ー)(ー)
.   |     (__人__)  Now you know why I couldn't bring myself to translate it any further.
    |     ` ⌒´ノ
   .l^l^ln      }
.   ヽ   L     }
    ゝ  ノ   ノ
   /  /    \
  /  /       \
. /  /      |ヽ、二⌒)、

    /:::::::::  u\
   /ノ└ \,三_ノ\   ,∩__
 /:::::⌒( ●)三(●)\ fつuu
 |::::::::::::::::⌒(__人__)⌒ | |   | I'm angry ! For example I don't get along with my dad !
 \:::::::::   ` ⌒´   ,/_ |   |
   ヽ           i    丿 But it still pisses me off when other people talk bad about my dad !
  /(⌒)        / ̄ ̄´
 / /       /       It's same thing ! I'm very very angry !!

     / ̄ ̄\
   /   _ノ  \
   |    ( ー)(ー)
.   |     (__人__)  You can think of this as a kind of parallel universe thing.
    |     ` ⌒´ノ
   .l^l^ln      }
.   ヽ   L     }
    ゝ  ノ   ノ
   /  /    \
  /  /       \
. /  /      |ヽ、二⌒)、

       /  ̄ ̄ ̄ \:
      ::/        ::::\:
     ;: |          :::::::| :
      \.....:::::::::    ::::, /    ……It's not……
      r "     .r  /
    :|::|     ::::| :::i       
    :|::|:     .::::| :::|:
    :`.|:     .::::| :::|_:
     :.,':     .::(  :::}:
     :i      `.-‐"

                  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
                 /:.ノ(          \           ,,              ,,.    ,.
                /: : : ⌒             \        / |   /| /|     _,,.r':/  /::|
                / : : : : ._          _    \     /:::::i  /::i |:::::i  ./'''"´:::::/ ./:::::::|
               | : : : :   ´⌒\,, ;、  、、/⌒`.  l     /::::::::i  |::::! .i::::::i /::::::::::,,.//:::::::/
.                  |: : : ::;  ( ◎ ) ノヽ ( ◎ ).;;:: |    i::::::::::i  i::::i i:::::::i/:::;.r''" /:::::::/
               |: : : : :   ´"''" ,      "''"´  l     i:::::::::i. i::::i,/i:::::/'"´ ./:::::::/
                \ : : :     (    j    )  /      i:::::::::i. i:::/::::i:::/  /:::::::/   parallel universe !!
               ,r''"\: :   .`ー-‐'´`ー-‐'′/         i:::::::::i i/:::::::i/:| /::::::::/
              f!: : : : :: : :           ト、        i:::::::::"::::::::::/ |:::::::/
              i!: : : !: : : : :             ヽ.       i:::::::::::::::/  i::/
           ! i ./: : .i i: : : : :: : ;!ii:::i:      :i:i  i       i:::::::::/     i/
            | i!i/: : : : !l|r"-'"-i| i`i|‐、     :i'   i,        i::::::::i
            |,イ|,,..r''"!l|  i!  |ヽi  `i    :,./.   ',     / .  i:::::::i
           ,r'''! |i!       ii |  | |`i  i: :// ',   ヽ.,.r"/.    i:::::::i
    i、     /  !       ,,,,.i! l-ー|--i!、 .i:/ ./ :'i,'.,.,,,.r'" /    .i:::::::i
\   i \  /i     ,,..r''"  i! i.   !  i! l .i  ./:: ;;ir''"  /ヽ  .   i::::/
  \ !  .\/ .:i.              |   i ヾ、./:r''"    /  ヽ.   i/
   `'    / .::/             .!|,,.rヾ、,,ノ       /ヽ.   ヽ、
.      〈 .::::i  i  |    ,,..-‐ ''"|i   i       /  ヽ、   .ヽ、
       ヾ;::ヽ、i  !            /      /,,,,..... --''' "´
 ―-―――ヾ;::::i   !   !|i        !|/ヾ;― ==
          ヾ:i,  |i.  !||    i |i ,,.r"!|   〉
           `i、 ||  |i   i ||'"    /
            .ヽ||           i|'
.              i'ヽ、      ,,.r''"!i

       /     \
      / \   / \
    /  (●)i!i!(●)  \  This isn't just about that little shit called Trimble ! As long as these images of Japan
    |  u , (__人__)    |
    \    .`⌒´    〆ヽ are in the minds of real American citizens, it's the truth for them !
     /          ヾ_ノ
    /rー、           |  The truth about those living in the real world is nothing short of fact !It means that despite what we say,
   /,ノヾ ,>         | /
   ヽヽ〆|         .|    there's another Japan in the strictest sense of the word in the American people's minds !!!

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \
 |    ( ○)(○)
. |  U  (__人__)
  |     |r┬-|  Hey you ! Calm down ! It's almost time for Mr. Ishihara's party, isn't it?
.  | ι   `ー'´}
.  ヽ     u  }   At times like this, drinking and eating and making a lot of noise is a great stress reliever,
   ヽ     ノ
   /    く  \   isn't it? Come on, let's get out of here !!
   |     \   \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、

                 .,、-ー''ア:;、-'/       ,,、-'7         / ̄/_  ||
               || ノ  ////了      / /     ,-ー―" __/. .|| ||
             || .|| .イ  i::/ / / /       / ,r',,,,,、- ァ/-z''"  /      || .|| .||
         __.|| || ,|  ノ:ノz''"// ,,、-ー ''"  ,、-ー''"  /// / ̄ ̄ ̄―――|| ||__
  _―― ̄ ̄ .|| ||  ,リ /;;;、-''了  / ,、z''"/| /       |/ ./ /  ./\       || || ̄ ̄――_
_ ̄       .|| ||    i   ,、-ー'   '"/ / / /        //   \/;;、-'/      || ||       ̄
  ―_    .|| ||    / 「"       ,ノ /  / /              、-",、 '        || ||   _― ̄
      ―||||      / /         |/    レ                   / /           |||―
      ..|||       |  |                                | /             |||
      |||       |/                                 レ"               |||
      |||                                                   |||
    .. ||||           .゛      、  ′     、 " .     ,  ′  .   ´ ,   、 |||
    ...|||  .`  .  、 ´ ,  ′ . 、 " .   ´ ,   .   i   、. .`  ゛.   i ,  . . " .、. |||
    ...||| , 、   " .    i    ´   .   ii      .゛.. ii||..     i i   、 ´ ii  ..  " .li   .|||
     ||| .|i  ´   i ' ||  ii   ii | iilll||ii | i     .ill|!!i l   ...|ll iii i   i l|l. |li   li||li |il||||
      ||il||li .|i 〟 ii||il lil|| ||lili  ||ii l|il| |llii||| li|iii|lli || ..iil|||lll.|ll   llll||illli  iiil|iii|||l|i |l|l!liil||lll.|l||
     .. ||!|i||ill ..| ||lll|||ii|||lliiiill|lliiilll|||lll||!!lilllii!!!||ll||ill|ll lll|||lll||!!lillliil.l| |lll||!!lillliill| !!||lll|||lll||!!lilllli||||!lll||

     / ̄ ̄\
   /  ー  ‐\ N, now what's going on !? Was there another atomic bomb dropped on Tokyo?
   |   ( ○) ( ○)___
   | U   (__人__)´ ー  ー\
   |      `i  i´ノ( ○) ( ○)
   |   .   `⌒ }   (__人__) ヽ  Let's watch some extra news on TV!
   ヽ       .}    `i  i´  |
    ヽ     ノ、_    `⌒_/
    /⌒ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ⌒ `i
    /    r―――――――‐‐'
    l      ( ̄レワ   /  |
    |       \ \/ /  |
    |       | \_/   |

                  .i:::::::://///::::::::::::::::::|    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
                 .|::::::/ ::////⌒⌒ i.:::::ノ   | We have some special news for you.
                .|:::::/         |::::|   | Japan Airlines Flight 123 from Haneda to Osaka Itami Airport
                 |::/.  .ヘ    ヘ.  |::|   | crashed into the Dojunkai Aoyama Apartments
                 .⊥|.-(=・).-.(・=)-.|⊥   | in Jingumae, Shibuya-ward, Tokyo, just now.
                l .!:;  ⌒´.し.`⌒  ::|. l   .| More information will be provided in due course.
                 ゝ.ヘ         /ィ  _ノ
               __,. -‐ヘ  <ニ二ニ>  /─- __ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          _ -‐ ''"   / !\  ̄ /!\     ゙̄ー- 、
         ハ       /.  |ヽ  ̄ ̄ /|  ヽ        ハ
         |  ヽ      く     ! . ̄ ̄  !    .>      / !
           |   |     _>  .|.    .|   <_      /  !
          .∧   !    ヽ     |    |    /     i  .∧
       / \  |     ヽ    i    i   /      | / ハ
       ハ   ヽ |     ヽ    !    !   /      |    /ヽ
      /  \   |      ヽ.  | .  |  /       |   // \
     /     \ |      .ヽ  i   i /         | /- '    ヽ
     /, -──‐-ミ」        , ‐''二二⊃、       |/  / ̄ ̄`ヽ!
    レ′   ̄ ̄ ̄`ー─---、_/ ′二ニヽ' \--──┴'' ̄ ̄ ヽ   |

 ※Dojunkai Aoyama Apartments...now Omotesando Hills

     / ̄ ̄\
    /   _ノ  \
    |    ( ○)(○)   When you say "Dojunkai Apartments", it's right in our neighborhood!
 .   | U   (__人__)   
    |  U  |r┬-|  彡  The sooner we evacuate, the better!
 .   |     ` ⌒}   彡
 .   ヽ        }     
     ヽ     ノ
     /     \
    / /\   / ̄\____l⌒l
     | |  \ /  ヽ \_____|
 Σ(⌒ノ   ゝ    \__)

        /\  / ⌒    I don't care about that !
      /(○) (○.) \
     /   (__人__)     \ I've come up with a better way to get back at you than that!
     |      |::::::|      |
     \     l;;;;;;l     ,/  In exchange for a reply, I'll send you the
      /ヽ   `ー´   ィ⌒ヽ
      rー'ゝ       〆ヽ .)  manuscript of my novel about the other America !
    ノヾ ,>      ヾ_ノ,ヽ}
    ヽ ヽ|        ヽ_ノ  Yaranaio, I'll pay you well, but you'll have to translate !

   / ̄ ̄\
 /   _ノ  \  We don't have time for that. Use your common sense!
 |    ( ○)(○)
. |  U  (__人__)  Your parents in Osaka and your wife in Kobe are worried about you,
  |     |r┬-|
.  | ι   `ー'´}  so we've got to get out of here!
.  ヽ     u  }
   ヽ     ノ
   /    く  \
   |     \   \
    |    |ヽ、二⌒)、

        / ̄ ̄ ̄ \
       ノし ゙\, .,、,/"u\
     / ⌒ (◎)ヾ'(◎)u \
      | u  ⌒゙(__人__)"⌒ u |  Shut up !! I'm writing this right now! I'm writing now !
       \ u   `ヾ,┬、/` ,/
.       /⌒/^ヽ、 )__( ,ィヽ、
      /  ,ゞ ,ノ ゙⌒" ,  ゝ、
     l /  /      ト/.\\

I unfolded my paper, walked over to my desk, and furiously ran my pen.

American prosperity written by Yaruo Tsutsui

                            ィ彡三三ミミヾ、 r==ニ__
                     〃::///::::             ミミ::::::::::::::::::::::::ミミ  
                   !ll|l|l|/:::: = = = = = -  ヾ::::::::::::::::::::::::::ミミ
                    ヾ|彡:: __ ̄  ̄  ̄‐ ‐  ヾヽ::::::::::::::::::::ミミ 
                    ∨ '" ̄ ̄ヾ    rr==ヽ   ;ミヽ:::::::::::::::::ミミ   
                       i|/ ,.rニニ_ヽ   ,' ,.=≡ミ   ゙ミミ:::::::::::::::::ミミ
                         i!   ゝ (.c.)ソ;   i 〃_(.c.) 》、ー   ;ミミ:::::::::::ミミ 
                    i|´ ー ̄¨",   ;.  ¨‐ ̄  ̄  ;彡r‐ミ::::::::ミ
                    |!      ,.r    ヽ,          ;::/  》:::::::'  黒んぼどもも有色人種もくたばっちまいな!
                      i|     〃 ^ ‐つ ) \      ,'/ノ)∨::::::,'   
                    l!    i| rニニニニヽ',!       〃ノ〃:::::/  
                        ',    i| l|┴┴┴┴i! |!.      ∧ノ:::::::::/  
                        ',   l! il r ̄Τ ̄ |! | ;:     /川:::::::::リ    
                        ',  | ゝヽ::::/:::ノノ //   /川:::::::::リ      
                       ',    ニニニ彡 /  ノ /||川リリり       
                       ヘ             イ/ ||彡            
        ,.r‐ 、           __ /  ヽ二二二二ノ彡/   i| 〉 ̄ ─‐‐- __  
       /    \ ̄  ̄ ̄          _   \     /   /         
     /       ヽ          __/(⌒)   | ヽ ̄     /        
      l              - ‐─  ̄     7¨ \  |! l|    ノ           
     l|            / ヽ  ヽ  ヽ ヽ ,  l!    ̄  ̄  ̄ ̄             
     i|             l Υi  i  i  i/  |!                        
    i!           |! / i!   l  l /  /                          
    |        /  ヽ ヽ_人__ノ〃 _/

         ,ィヽ         /三三,/´    `丶ミ三ベ  ←The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (39), a black liberation activist
.         / /            /三三/           ` ヘ
        / /        __/三┌''               ハ
.       / /        //ハ三/   ェエ≧ト   j    l
      / /     ,ィヽ  | / !      ゞツヽ / /≦エト リ      
    ,ィ≦´ ̄ ̄ ` V  /   l〈__ j.          ,.'  l ムツ  ,'
    |  ̄ ̄ ̄ `V  /    ヽ‐'        / l  l    ,'       私には夢が有る!
    |  ̄ ̄ ̄Vリ Y   _ リ          `ー 、__,、)  /       
    | ´ l ̄ハ l  /_,x</l        /__,,....、__ l ./
____j  .j   'ー' ン::::::::::::j .ヘ      / |‐'‐‐- -''リ/ ,.'
:::::::::::::リ      /:::::::::::::::|  .ヘ     l  ヽュェェェン /
::::::/!     ./ :::::::::::::::::::|   ヘ   ヽ ヽ  ー‐‐"/
/:::::|    ,ィ':::::::::::::::::::::::::∧   ヽ  \    ン'
::::::::::lヽ__/ l::V:::::::::::::::::::::::::∧  /\  >ー "|、
::::::::::l   /:::lハ::::::::::::::::ヽ::::::::l-‐'    ハ  _/___|ハ
::::::::::`ー'---.':/:::::::::::::::::::::l::::::l      l /  l /:::::\

             /:::}i::::::::\          ________
            ./:::;ィ-'-、::::::::::ゝ、_,      /            \
           /::::::__  _>;;ヾ::::::z‐'   < 死にやがれ!!
         ノ゙{◎}ri゙゚'l. ⌒ い::::::::ゝー-   \________/        
         ハ. `ー' ヽ ワ/リハヾ::::::::   
        /lミト、   !、`- "::::::::::::::::::::
      /::::::::::::/ ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    |  ̄ ̄ ̄Vリ Y   _ リ          `ー 、__,、)  /       
    | ´ l ̄ハ l  /_,x</l        /__,,....、__ l ./
____j  .j   'ー' ン::::::::::::j .ヘ      / |‐'‐‐- -''リ/ ,.'  Oops !!
:::::::::::::リ      /:::::::::::::::|  .ヘ     l  ヽュェェェン /
::::::/!     ./ :::::::::::::::::::|   ヘ   ヽ ヽ  ー‐‐"/
/:::::|    ,ィ':::::::::::::::::::::::::∧   ヽ  \    ン'
::::::::::lヽ__/ l::V:::::::::::::::::::::::::∧  /\  >ー "|、
::::::::::l   /:::lハ::::::::::::::::ヽ::::::::l-‐'    ハ  _/___|ハ
::::::::::`ー'---.':/:::::::::::::::::::::l::::::l      l /  l /:::::\

        /⌒  ⌒\
      /( ●)  (●)\
     /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \  Hey, Yaranao !! In Washington D.C, White supremacists and
     |     |r┬-|     |
     \      `ー'´     (⌒)  black liberation activists are killing each other in a bloody way !
      >          ノ ~.レ-r┐、
     /          ノ__  | .| | |
      |          〈 ̄   `-Lλ_レレ
      |          ̄`ー┬-

                      _                    ニ|二ll
           ニ|二ll    ´:::::::::\_ -──-            \
              \     /:::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::`:ー:ァ        や
                 や   ,′:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<        /
                |     i:::::::::::::/::::::::::::: ∧::::j\∧:::::ハ} /\     /
      :⌒)    |     |::::::::::: i:::::::::∧/\∨ ○ {:く rっ田_「  ┼
         :丶  ┼    i::::::::i:八:::::::{  ○    " Yメ、/  ̄   9
         .::) 9    ヽ:::::i:::::: V⌒ヽ"  「 ̄|  .イ /)
        )⌒'       /|─c-、-‐ゝ┬リーr┴ァ爪/{′                   '⌒) (::
     (  ⌒)    く  | 田 |ノー:-、ノ_,ノ人大ノ `Y_                   (    .:::)
    (⌒   .::ヽ     \|ー ┤::::::::::::::::::八    _ 人_>、                (::.
  _  ::..    .::) l. ̄ l ___ノ ::::::::::: / ノ     〃⌒l\               (::.   .::
    L (   .::)┘__\:::::::::ノ:::::{/ /     /_}レ'⌒}/         __    ´   .:.ノ
   ___(   .:.:)| lニニニl |  ̄ \::::ノrく. ___/ノ:八_x┴┐┌─┐   |    |  (   . .:.:)
  | l二l二l│_:ノr| lニニニl l ̄ ̄ ̄j:ノ(Lr-、_r-、_r‐く/⌒ゝ=‐'' 」 ロ_ ̄ ̄l | 日 | (⌒  .::人r─
  | l二l二l│ェュュ:il| lニニ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|`7=ァ─一'" ┌───冖| []├冖冖ー‐┐       ) ̄|
  | l二l二l│┌「 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l┐ロロ |l/:::r'ー─┐ ┌l [] []  冂| []│[] [] [] []│ ̄l   ...::) 

    .//      /)
    <_」     //             ,,-''ヽ、
       、-//            ,, -''"    \
        \イ           _,-'"        \
         .'          /\           \
              __   //\\           \
  _/          /|[]::::::|_ / \/\\         /
   ゛         ./| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ //\ \/  \      //    ___
         |  |:::「「「「「「 / \/\  /\\   /:::/   ./|    |__
       _..|  |:::LLLLL//\ \/  \/\\/::::::/  /  | ロ  .|lllllllllllll
      / llllll|  |:::「「「「 / \/\  /\ .\/ ./::::::::/  / ./ .|    |lllllllllllll
__     llllll|  |:::LLL.//\ \/  \/\  /::::::::/   | /  .| ロ  .|lllllllllllll
         llllll|  |:::「「「/ \/\  /\ \/ /::::::::/   | ||/ ..|    |lllllllllllll
         llllll|  |:::LL//\ \/  \/\ ./::::::::/    .| ||/ ..|
         |  |:::「./ .\/\  /\ \/ /::::::::/⌒ヽ、 .| ||/ ..|
         |  |:::l//\ \/  \/\_, -― 、  ''"⌒ヽ,_
                (⌒ヽ、_,ノ⌒Y"    Y     .....⌒)
            (⌒ヽー゛ ....::(   ..::.......  .__人.....::::::::::::::::::::
         _ノ⌒ヽ  Y⌒ヽ;;:::::"'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ___
     ___(   ゛   ....:::.....  Y"   ∧_∧  /
   // ll__ヽ_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ....(  ´Д`)<Runaway! Runaway! Runawaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!
  「    ヽO≡≡O:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ つ  _つ  \____
  ゛u─―u-――-u          人  Y

           /⌒  ⌒\
          /( ●)  (●)\
           |   「匸匸匚| '"|ィ'
    , ヘー‐- 、 l  | /^''⌒|  |  Hey Yaruo ! In N.Y.C, A giant android-type weapon developed for the Soviet Union is running amok,
  -‐ノ .ヘー‐-ィ ヽ  !‐}__,..ノ  ||
 ''"//ヽー、  ノヽ∧ `ー一'´ / | Yankee Stadium is being trampled, the Empire State Building is
  //^\  ヾ-、 :| ハ   ̄ / ノ |
,ノ   ヽ,_ ヽノヽ_)ノ:l 'ーー<.  /  |. being bent over like candy cane,
/    <^_,.イ `r‐'゙ :::ヽ  \ `丶、  |
\___,/|  !  ::::::l、  \  \| and the Statue of Liberty is being shattered!

    / ̄ ̄ ̄\
  / _ノ   ヽ、 \
  |o゚((●))((●))゚o |       ____
  |  (__人__)   |     /⌒  ⌒\   Got it ! That's the American way!
  .|   |r┬-|   |    o゚((●)) ((●))゚o  We Japanese can do things that they can't do.
  .|   | | |   }   /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \     There's the chills! I'm lov'in it!
, -‐ (_)  `ー'´   } , -‐ (_)    |r┬-|     |   
l_j_j_j と)     ノ l_j_j_j と)    `ー'´     /    

.    //:.:.:.,':./:.:.:.:.:.:./:.:. /:.:.:.:|:.:.:.|:.:.|:.:.l:.:.!:.:.、:ヽ:.ト. ',
.    /」:|:.:.:.|:.|:.:.:.:.:,.イ:.:./|:.:.:.:,!:.:. /:.:.l:.:.:|:.:.|:.:.:!:.:.l:.:.! 1 An excerpt from "American Prosperity," written by Yaruo in the
   ノ'´|:.|:.:.:l:.:|:.-rーァx...」:_:.ノ!:.:.ハ:.A ォ-:!:.:.:.|:.:}:.:.| !
      |:.|:.:.:|:.l:|V|;ォf==レ ´ル'  /ィ-ヘ|:./:.:.,!:./|:./   midst of a plane crash in his neighborhood and a state of emergency around his home.
     1l、:.l:.ハl:.:.|` {゚: ::|      {゚: ::ル',!:.:.ィ:/ ,リ
      ゙ ',:.トl、!:.:.|  ゙-┘   、 `ー' /:イ,シ /    After this, Yaruo managed to meet Suiseiseki safely, but there was a little family dispute.
.      ヽヽヽ:.l、     _ _    /:.:.!
        ` lハ:lヽ、       ,.-1:./        
          ヽN |` ‐ 、__,. ィw  '/
           ,r'^,!       「ヽ、'´
        _,.-'  |       ヽl ヽ、.._
    _,. r ´     |   _...._  |   l. `ヽ.._
   r{. l. |        |-‐ ´ _...._` -|   |   l. ト、
  / ヽヽヽ      |-‐ ´ ,.- 、`ー|   |   | l ヽ

. /  | /  / /  /  / // / ハ.    ヽ    ヽ. \
/' 丁|'  i l /   /// 〃/  \ ̄ \!     |\|
\/ j|  ,レ' _ / /.///./  _ \  |\. | |/
. /__」ヒ.´_彡'_>=,ニドノ'  //  'ァ,.'ニ=<} '  | |
/  {{ ̄ { \ P⌒!i  //    P⌒!i ノ ,'   /! /  Whoa ! In spite of your pretty pretty wife's concerns
,/  {ハ..  \__, ゞ冖^  /' !     ̄^` ブ ///
   ハ. \   く             __  ∠ イ ,ノ'    you've got some serious writing guts to write a novel in this situation.
  ,/ ,ハ 7`ト _,>       __,. イ !   /〃/
f´ ̄ヽ ヾ、'.{}ヘ.     `'マ二..__ /   /{}ヽ    I think you might win the Naoki Prize next time!
_) >┴=く¨ヽ ヽ.、       --     , イ   }}
/  '´   \レ-、V__. 、      _,. イ/{{ヽ{}/《
  .'      `て{ ヽ\ `  -- /  / {{-- -}}
 '    '    __j| ,ヘ \.  ∧_/  {{ /{}ヽ }}
,'    ,'   (_ |ヽ{i,ハ   ヽ、」.  \ {{.    }}
    ,'     〕|__ __ |/.,二f丑:‐ 、\{ ヽ {} /}}
         ( }}/{}ヽ|/  /ハ 「 \ヽ|{ ー i ‐.}}

         :::::::::::::/ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄\ ::::::::::::::::
   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|  / ̄ ̄ ̄\ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::::__|/  _ノ  ヽ、_ \|__::::::::::::::::
   ::::::::::::::/  / ((>)) ((<)) \  \::::::::::::::::  No, I mean, it's kind of like…
  :::::::::::::::::|   | o゚  (__人__)  ゚o|   |::::::::::::::::::::::::
 :::::::::::::::::(⊥_⊥)\___`⌒´__/(⊥_⊥):::::::::::::::::  I guess I should say it's more a matter of Japanese pride than my own.....

   How can a novel written with Japanese pride be
   any different from a novel written by a fuck'in American kid?
   So you're still a professional writer, aren't you ?
                     ;/(>)^ ヽ\;
      / ̄ ̄ `丶 ’.ギリ ;/  (_  (<) \;      S, Suiseiseki. If you're so violent...
     /       } ヽ . /   /rェヾ__)⌒:::  ヾ;     .It's bad for your baby !
      ′      人 } :  i   `⌒´-'´  u;  ノ;;     You're going to stillbirth again like last year.……
    {ヽ       /::::::V .  \ヽ 、  ,     /;     
    { ∧   /::::::::::::::',---、/⌒>、^^n ∠   ヾ、
.    ’/:::∧/l:::::::::::::::::::::',: : ハ/  ∨.ノ __/ i;
  ./::::/:::::::::::li::::::::::::::::::::∨ く     }`(⌒    ノ
.   /::::::::::::::::::: |l::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ-个、_.イ    ̄ ̄ ̄/
  /:::::::::::::::::::::/|l::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`く/        /
. /':::::::::::::::::: /:::ハ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\       /
/ :::/:::::::::::::/:::/::.:'、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\    /
 Y:::::/::::::/:::∧::.::.:\:::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ::::::::\ /
. {:::::'::::::/:::/ _」__,.>-、:::::::::::::::::::\:::::::ヾ
  ヽ{::::::':::::{'´: : : : : : : : : : ヽ::::::::::::\::::\:::::廴

         _/: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :\
     ー=ニ ァ: : : : : :/: : : :/: /: : : : :、: : : :`ヽ: : : : ヽ
        / ,: : : :〃: :/: : /: │: : : : :lヽ: : : : ハ: : : : :.ヽ
.       / / : : //: :/: : /: : │: : : : ::|: :!: : : : i|: : l: : : :ヽ
      / イ : : : l |: :│: :j : : ∧: : : : :l: :|\: : i|: :│: : : :.\
      l/ |: : : :| l: :∧: :ハ: : l  '.: : : :ハ j  ヽ i|: :│: : : :}
      ││: : l|│ナ下/-ヽ |  ヾ: :/_ム'― 弋|: :│: : ! j
        j. │: : |i V ,ィテ圷、ヽ   ∨ ィチ示k l: : ト: : Ⅳ  Suiseiseki had also become pregnant the previous year, but this time she was stillborn due to
         ヽ: : |  ハ` Vf:::::i}       Vf:::::i} Y|: : ム N
          ヽ |ヘ i l  ゝー'       `ー'' ハ!: :,) }i|    the incompetence of the maternity hospital where she was admitted.
            `l: :ヽム        '         /:/: :ルイ
            ', : : |ヘ、     ‐       ィ' /: :/     She was shocked for a while, but it seems that
            ヽ: :lヽ >,、       イ/7: :/
            \! V厶|>ー <レ_'/ //        both Yaruo and she couldn't escape the instinct of wanting to leave offspring.
              , '´/ノ      L、 /
               ,.-'   | ___._   | `ー、
         _..-‐'´     |´  _` ー<|   `ー、_

                  ,、 - ―――‐- - 、__
               / ,.、 -――-- 、_    \
.               //´ ※   ※   \   \
             //  ,、-―‐- 、_     \.   ヽ
            /'.※/: : : : : : : : :.lヽ、 ※  \.  ヘ
           / / .//: : : : : : : : l: : l: : :\    ヽ   ヘ
             / l/: : /: :./: : : : : /l: :/ヽ: : : :ヽ    丶   \
         / /: : :.:l: :./: 、: : : /./:./. ヽ:/: :ヘ ※  l    ,ゝ      This kind of perversion based on lack of awareness,
         'ー-l:/l: : :l: :/从\ノ /:/ __,.ィ'´ヽ、_:.:l     l   ,ィ'´ _        
           l!l.ヘ: /:/イ´ム示 //   ,ィム示`' l:l    .lー'|  / .`ヽ,      prejudice and ignorance happens regardless of ethnicity !
            ノ `/ヽト 弋ソ/´    は::::::i//:l .※ l: :! /     ∧
.  ri .,、      / .※ l:.l`'ー `´  ,    ゞ‐''/_:.l    l:.l/        ',    I don't think the situation will change even though the times have progressed
..i`!l l l l`!    ./   ヘ:ヽ      ,、 ‐-、   ̄l: :.l    l:,′      .l
..ヘ`' `' ,ィ'`ー、-/    /ヽヽ  ,ィ'´    .i   .ィ: :.:l .※. l!         L     and overseas travel has become more popular and more information has come in from overseas!
  l  {j  /  ※.  /:::::ヽ!_`_.ヽ     .ノ ィ'´/:/!    l!       .リ
 ,イ,.-{jィ'/     /::::::::::( i ゝ .iー-‐'´ ´ /  /   .,'       /     It's still the same in the 21st century! What do you think of that?
. `´//  .※.  /::::::::::::::く ノ〈  l/      ./ ※ /        ./
<´/       / `'ー--j ̄/ ノ ,ィスハ      /    /         ./       
../  ※  /     /:ゝ / .フ〃 ij!}ヾ,、    /   //     ./ヘ
       /       /:.ノ / j´ .ij iji ij、 》   /   ./ 、    .,.ィ.'´-、: :ヘ
 ※. /      /:.〈 ./ 〈  .ゞ''"ij ij"   / ハ'`.ノ  `ー  ./    l、: :ヘ
  /       /: ノ.   `'´` ,、‐ '  ̄`'ー- 、ィ'´ ヽ__  /    '.ヽ、: ヘ
./        /: :  ̄`'´`ー、.(         ヽ    .//     / .l`フ、:l!
         /: : : : : : : : :ヘ三`ー--―‐ .' ‐、     / ,'    /  ノ、ゝ:l:.l
           /l: : : : : : : : : : ハ||< >||´:〈_ヽ   /     ./   .l 〈::l: l!
        l:.:l: : : : : : : : : ::_ノ|||>< ||l::::::::ノ__`''ー‐、`'ー-_'   ノ  ∧ノ:l: :l
        /!: `、: : ,ィ'´: ̄::/|||<>ノ||ト、::`´:::ヽ_,ハ_ \_  ̄ ヽ _ノ l:::::l: :.l
       .,': l: : :/:::::::,ィ!'´:::::::\ミト、,イ三ミト、::::::::::::::ij:ゝィヽ, ̄ィ´ヽ ノゝ':::::l: :ノ

           _,.--- .
          ,.'´: : : : : : : : : :`ヽ、
    ___,ノ: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \
    `ーァ: : : : : : /: : : : : /: : : : : : : \._
     /:/: : : : :.リ: : : : :|/: : : : : : : : : |ー'´
      l/{: : : : :.ム|:.l: : : l: :l: : |/:./:}:.|
      い: : { 6|:.l: :.| l::/l: :/l/:/,ィ|
        V: :.>リ:.l: :.| l/ l/ィf':/:/ リ
.          |人{ |:.l: :.|   rタイ:人l      Suiseiseki told me what to conclude.……
       ,f¨¨ヽ Ⅵ:.リ  ‐ イ|: :「   
       ノ     \|:[_¨´ ||.:/   
      /===ヽ  辷ト、_/リ´    
      //´⌒ヽ\ Ⅵ| 寸 
      〈: : : : : : : :\\Ⅵ 》<´⌒)
     |:.( : : : : : :}:.:.\.|| /: : ヽ_ノ

           _,.--- .
          ,.'´: : : : : : : : : :`ヽ、
    ___,ノ: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \
    `ーァ: : : : : : /: : : : : /: : : : : : : \._
     /:/: : : : :.リ: : : : :|/: : : : : : : : : |ー'´
      l/{: : : : :.ム|:.l: : : l: :l: : |/:./:}:.|       ……
      い: : { 6|:.l: :.| l::/l: :/l/:/,ィ|
        V: :.>リ:.l: :.| l/ l/ィf':/:/ リ       ……
.          |人{ |:.l: :.| 。_ rタイ:人l   
       ,f¨¨ヽ Ⅵ:.リ ` ´イ|: 「      
       ノ     \|:[_¨´ ||.:/ °   
      /===ヽ  辷ト、_/リ´ °    
      //´⌒ヽ\ Ⅵ| 寸 
      〈: : : : : : : :\\Ⅵ 》<´⌒)
     |:.( : : : : : :}:.:.\.|| /: : ヽ_ノ
     |: :.\ : : :〈: rrr、|/: : : : : 〉
     fヘ: : : :`: .;}:リ儿/: : : : : ;h
     | ∧: : : : : >イ: : : : :/:.く
     | | ∧ : : : /: : : : : : : /: : : : 〉
     | | |_∧ : ,': : : : : : : 人: : : /

       ( ⌒ )
     γ⌒   ⌒ヽ
     ゝ      ノ   ポッポー
       | l |
         ,. :-:.' ー ' ¨ :.ゝ.、
        ,.:´: : : : : : : : : : : : : ヽ.
      ,.': : : : : : : : : : : ',: : : : : : ヽ、
    /イハ:!:.:.:l:/ i/ ノノ ノリリハリ:!:i:.:.!:.l
    i/!:.:!:.:.:ノ ●      ● リ:l:.!:ハ!
     ,,∨|:.:.! ノ( 、_ ,    ソ/i/ノ    Damn you ! You're fuck'in junk doll !
   (´ i  ヘ!:| ⌒ | /    ノ!/′     I'll never forgive you !
    ``゙''ー、.ヾ>ー-`´-- <イリ       I'm going to kill you slowly !
       〉、;;;;;ソ/A.il;;;;;! `ー'    ペシッ!!
        〉ー、i!____i!__,,ゝ |l!il|
        (、,,,/     !__,,,! ,,、___,,、、,,,___,、、 て
        `ー'      `ー' ヾ_;,;,;,;,へ、,;,;,;,ソ て
              )          て
              ゝ⌒ ヘ/⌒ヽて

                                    \ヽ, ,、
                                   _    |
                                    \, V
      ,、                                    |ヽ、)
     ヽYノ                                |
   r''ヽ、.|                                ノ
   `ー-ヽ|ヮ                              /
     .`|                               |
       |                                 |
   / ̄ ̄\                              |
 /   _ノ  \                          _|___
 |    /゚ヽ/゚ヽ                         /      \
 |     (__人__)                        /ノ  \    \
  |     |'|`⌒´ノ                     / /゚\  /゚\    \
.  |.    U    }                    |   (__人__)        |
.  ヽ        }                      \  .` ⌒´|'|      /
   ヽ     ノ                       ノ     .U     \
   /    く
                                    ┼ヽ  -|r‐、. レ |
                                    d⌒) ./| _ノ  __ノ



翻訳元:やる夫は色眼鏡のラプソディを奏でるようです http://inzainewtown.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1.html
使用した翻訳ソフト:DeepL翻訳 https://www.deepl.com/translator







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