
     From: security@f-secure.com
     Reply-To: securitysupport@hotxf.com
     Subject: Security Maintenance.F-Secure HTK4S
     Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 18:11:05 -0000
     To: undisclosed-recipients:;
     Dear Email Subscriber,
     Your e-mail account needs to be improved with our new
     F-Secure HTK4S anti-virus/anti-spam 2010-version.
     Fill in the columns below or your account will be
     temporarily excluded from our services.
     E-mail Address:
     Phone Number:
     Please note that your password is encrypted
     with 1024-bit RSA keys for increased security.
     Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.

  皆さんに聞かれる前に申し上げておくなら、いや、我々は「F-Secure HTK4S anti-virus」なんてものも、いまだかつて聞いたことがない。
